Chapter 15

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"What the hell was that?" He asked still paused in his movements to undress me. He was always confident and sure but I couldn't have been more grateful for his hesitance.

"Please, I really don't want this. I've been good. I promise I've been good." My voice was quiet and shaking. I knew he wouldn't stop just because I asked him to.

"You think this is a punishment?" He asked.

"It was last time. I dont like having sex with you, it hurts." My head cracked painfully against the step infront of my face. I let out a choked cry as pain blasted through my head and neck.

"You're my Rib. It's your job to take care of my needs regardless if you enjoy it."

"A rib is the same as a wife right? Thats not a wife's job. Please stop." Nausea settled in my stomach and my head pounded against the concussion.

"Then what is a wife's job?"

I groaned.

"To love and support her husband, to have his back against the world and thats a husband's job too. Please just stop, it hurts."

"Well thats just too damn bad, huh?"

There was a lot of blood swirling into the drain. I watched dazed and unfocused. Jace's hands messaged my back, digging fingers into tense muscles. Nothing made sense through the fog that clouded my brain. "When will you learn just to shut up?" His voice sounded different.

Would just being quiet make my life with him easier? Would he be kind? I chose not to respond, keeping my eyes on the now pink water. My head was pounding and my body aching. I had straight line bruises popping up where the stairs had pressed into my torso. It had hurt more than last time but I couldn't bring myself to cry.

"Come on, we'll get dressed and go to bed." I hadn't realised the water was clear now. Jace sounded tired, like everything had worn him out just as it had me. Sleep sounded nice.

"Just fucking eat it." Jace growled at me as I stared at my breakfast. I felt like puking.

"Im not hungry." I whispered. He raised his hand toward my face and I flinched violently away. He paused before grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look at him.

" Go lay down your face is pale."

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