Chapter 12

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"You've been good today, so I have something for you." I looked at him curiously as he straddled my hips. "Close your eyes and open your mouth."

I did what he told me to. I heard a package rustle and felt his finger on my tongue, stroking it. "Keep 'em closed." He said placing something else on my tongue. It was a piece of chocolate.

"Eli wake up, we're moving locations today." I groaned at Jace's words. "Am I going to be able to trust you in the front seat? If not you're riding hog tied in the back."

"I'll be good." I muttered wanting some freedom. He observed me for a moment before nodding.

"Where are we going?" I asked three hours into our drive. Jace didn't respond. He didn't even acknowledge that I'd asked him a question.

"Wake up Rib. We're here." Jace's voice cut through my dreams. I sat up looking around. We were at a house, a house surrounded by trees with no street lights around. I got out of the van stretching my spine noticing a light coming from the window. "Come on, we need to take a shower and then I need to run to the store."

Once in the bathroom he stripped then looked at me expectantly. I didn't want to be naked in front of him. Not after knowing his intentions and the previous rape. I took a step back prepared to run but he shoved me against the door trapping me between his arms. "I'm fucking tired and I don't have the patience for you right now Eli. We're taking a shower together to save time. Now either strip or you'll regret it."

Not quick enough I removed my clothes as he turned the shower on. I stood behind him awkwardly not knowing what to do with myself. He motioned me over and I moved immediately not wanting to push him any further. Our shower was quick and without incident and once we were out he towel dried me and handed me clean clothes.

"I'm going to lock you in the basement while I'm gone. Would you like that better than being tied up? " I nodded,  thankful for the lack of restraints. "Is there anything you want from the store?" I shook my head.

What could I possibly want that he could buy me? Everything I wanted at that point no amount of money could get me. I wanted my parents. I wanted to be home.

"You're free to look around, get into anything you want. I'll be back soon." With that he went up the stairs and locked me in. I turned taking in my surroundings. It was a standard concrete basement with a florescent light hanging from the ceiling. There was old furniture, boxes were stacked on one side and there was even an unfinished closet with a toilet and sink.

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