Chapter 14

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"You've been really good today, you even ate your dinner without complaining about the meat. I think you deserve a reward." Jace almost purred at me. I watched with wide eyes as he got into an old box he'd brought in. He removed something from it and closed it back up. When he came back I could see an old worn book in his hadn. " I thought you'd like somthing to do in your free time."

"Thank you." Jace handed me the book and took pleasure in watching me run my fingers over the cracked spine and rough pages.

"It's getting late, we should probably get to bed." He offered quietly tugging my prize out from my hands carefully. I nodded not really wanting to let go of my small gift.

Jace ushered me into a bedroom where he told me to remove my shirt. I hesitated briefly but I didn't want to upset him. He carefully pushed me back onto the bed and crawled over me. My heart raced and I couldn't help but panic. Whatever he was going to do I didn't like being pinned half naked under him. He picked up my wrist examining it, turning it left and right with a conflicted look on his face.

"Will you be good if I leave you untied or will you try to run in the middle of the night? Not that you could get far, I'm a very light sleeper and I won't be as lenient with you as I have been in the past." Lenient?

"I'll be good." I choked out past the fear.

"Are you sure? I'd hate to have to keep you tied up for the rest of your life." He pressed his lips to my wrist while staring intently into my eyes.

"I'm sure, I'll be good. I won't run." Yet. I wouldn't run yet.

The next day Jace was acting weird. Well, weirder than normal. He was fidgeting a lot and got up every few minutes to look out the window. I watched him idlely from where I sat reading. His constant up and down quickly made me nervous as well.

"Is something wrong?" I asked hesitantly. While he was normally unstable and quick tempered that day he seemed volatile, tense like a volcano ready to erupt at a moment's notice.

"Quiet Rib." He said harshly. I nodded and hid my face behind the book not wanting to set him off. He continued his pacing for hours until the sun finally started to sink low into the sky.

"Come on Rib, into the basement we go."

That's where I spent most of my night. In the basement counting the cracks in the cement. When Jace came to get me he was covered in blood. Id never seen him that messy and it put my nerves on end. He glared at me and motioned for me to come to him. I stopped short of his reach and watched him carefully. His lip curled up into a sneer as he reached over and grabbed my arm.

We ended up wrestling on the stairs until he successfully pinned me down so I was on my stomach, steps pressing harshly into my chest, stomach, and pelvis. He made to pull down my pants but my whimper seemed to stop him.

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