Meeting Mom

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Jimin isn't finished with his bout of honesty. They are back in the car and on the way to his mother's house.

Jungkook pulls out his phone and Jimin grabs his hand. "I think this is another place where we can be ourselves and speak freely." Jimin smiles at his driver in the rearview mirror.

Jungkook puts his phone back in his pocket. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Jungkook is concerned. He knows that Jimin has an amazing relationship with his mother and would hate to be a reason they grow distant.

"When I say I'm ready, I'm ready. " Jimin smirks and winks. Jungkook can't believe how bold he has become.

"Well then Mr Park. I will stand proud beside you. Heck, we can even go meet my parents if you like."

"Really?" Jimin is serious. Jungkook was only half-joking.

"I haven't seen them in 3 years. I'm not sure they want to know me but if it's important to you, then I will do it."

Jimin lays his head on Jungkook's shoulder and says quietly, "When you're ready..."

They have arrived at Jimin's mother's house. It's in a beautiful quiet area on the outskirts of Seoul.

"You guys go get something to eat." Jimin says to his staff. "I'll call you if we need to be rescued or if anyone needs to go to the hospital." He laughs but it's apparent he is nervous.

Jimin enters the passcode and walks to the front door. "Fuck here goes..."

Jungkook grabs his hand and squeezes it but quickly lets go when Jimin's mum opens the door.

She is beautiful. Jungkook would never think that she has a 28-year-old son.

"Jimin-ah! I'm seeing you a lot lately!" She kisses him lovingly on the cheek and hugs him. Jungkook feels that pang of envy again. "Hello, you must be the friend Jimin wanted me to meet. I watched you both dancing on Saturday but didn't get to see you after the show."

"Hello Mrs. Park." Jungkook's voice is shaky, he bows at 90 degrees.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't know you were at the show on Saturday." He glances over at Jimin who just looks straight ahead pretending not to notice. Why didn't he tell me his mum was there?

"Jimin was quite adamant that I come to see this show. It's too chaotic backstage so I leave with the rest of the minions." She laughs. She is so warm and friendly, Jungkook likes her already. "Please come in.."

Jimin's mum has prepared some snacks and drinks and they sit chatting comfortably for a while.

"You both dance very well together. I've seen Jimin-ah dance with J Hope for years, but the chemistry between you both was very different. Everyone around me was saying the same thing. Electric almost."

Jimin sees this as his opportunity and feels Jungkook stiffen beside him. He glances over to Jungkook, and without his mother seeing, squeezes his thigh.

"Mum, that's why I made sure you came to this live show. I wanted you to see us dancing our duet. I wanted you to see for yourself how good we are together. But it's not just on stage..." He trails off and his mum looks slightly confused, he knows he hasn't been clear enough. He stands up and lifts Jungkook from his seat. He takes Jungkook's hand and they squeeze each other's hands firmly. "Jungkook isn't just a friend or a dance partner. He is my lover mum. I am in love him."

It takes some time for Jimin's mum to speak, both the boys wait quietly. 

"A mother knows her son Jimin. Am I surprised? Yes. I am. I didn't know that you were gay all these years but I did know that you were never happy in your relationship, that you never loved her and that all the female attention you get, never interests you. I guess I never wanted to think of you as gay because, in your position, in this country, it's the hardest thing to be. Your life will not be easy. I'm sure you both realise this."

Jungkook and Jimin look down.

Jungkook finds his voice "Mrs. Park. If it's ok for me to speak?"

"Of course Jungkook!" She smiles warmly and Jungkook relaxes.

"I was afraid to come here today. I was afraid that Jimin telling you would have the same impact on you that it had on my parents. I know all too well how people can react to this. I want to protect Jimin from the pain and rejection that comes from living a life most don't agree with. Initially, I wanted to run from him thinking that I would bring him pain, he could lose everything because of me. I thought I was being selfish. '' Jungkook squeezes Jimin's hands. "But living a lie, just because it's what other people agree with, must be far worse than living your truth. I could see how lonely and isolated he was and now I can see how happy he is. Please give me the chance to show you how happy I can make your son."

Jimin smiles though his eyes are watering. "The only thing I'm afraid to lose now mum, is this feeling I have when I'm with Jungkook. I'll risk it all to be with him."

Jimin's mum stands and hugs her son first and then Jungkook. "Of course I support you both. If there is a fight to fight, I'll be there right beside you." Jimin is visibly relieved. He hugs Jungkook and kisses him briefly.

Jimin's mum is looking at them together, "Pity you can't have babies, they would be bloody stunning!!" She jokes.


"Why didn't you tell me your mum was at the live show on Saturday?"

They are back in the car and Jungkook didn't wait to ask the question that's been bugging him all afternoon. After the whole "I am gay" revelation, they chatted to Jimin's mum about when they met, how confident Jimin has become, Jungkook's music and the contract with Ryan. Jimin's mum had made them both feel like it was just your average meet-the-parents. When in fact it was more like a global-phenomenal-coming-out-as-gay-with-a-20-year-old-boy meet-the-parents...

"I thought you'd tone it down on the sexiness if you knew my mum was watching you. What I really needed you do to was turn it up!" He laughs.

"You never cease to surprise me Park Jimin!" Jungkook says taking Jimin's hand.

"Today has been quite eventful! I'm exhausted." Jimin says as he leans his head back and closes his eyes. He feels his phone vibrate and grabs it from his jacket pocket. It's a message from Jungkook.

"After everything that has been said today, Do you really think I'm going to let you sleep tonight..."

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