Let's Go Home

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Jungkook squeezes his hand. He is so fucking proud of Jimin. This is a big step for anyone. Jimin doesn't look at J Hope's reaction. He continues speaking.

"Jungkook didn't manipulate me, he allowed me the opportunity to realise the truth about myself. He waited patiently. He has been my catalyst. J Hope, I have loved this man since the moment I met him." Jimin looks at Jungkook who looks ready to cry, "I denied it to myself at first but I realised fairly quickly how I felt. Yes, I wanted to tell you, I wanted my best friend to know that I have finally found someone I love.  My whole life I've made excuses. My relationship with a woman, the hard work and the travelling. I used it all to hide the truth."

Jimin laughs. "Full disclosure, you aren't reading too much into this. Everything you think happened, has happened." He smirks at Jungkook who looks a little embarrassed, "and way more than you could imagine trust me!  I know this is a shock. But please, trust my choice here and I hope you can still accept me as your friend."

Jungkook takes this as his moment to leave. "I'm going to shower," he whispers in Jimin's ear, "You guys need to have this chat on your own."

He smiles weakly at J hope and heads to the shower.

Jungkook is in the shower reluctantly washing Jimin's cum from his stomach. What a crazy couple of days this has been.. Fuck! Jungkook remembers that they have an appointment with Ryan at 11 am. What the fuck is the time? Wet and soapy, he jumps out of the shower and runs to check the clock in the bedroom. They only have 40 mins before the meeting. He hurries back to finish his shower. The clothes Jimin bought him are upstairs which means going past J Hope and Jimin, he really didn't want to disturb them. Jungkook ruffles through Jimin's cupboard looking for something to put on so he can sneak upstairs. He takes a pair of Jimin's underwear and smiles. I am a fucking lucky man!

"Jungkook?" J Hope has noticed Jungkook trying to sneak upstairs. "Do you have any of your own clothes?" He laughs and Jungkook is relieved that he isn't shouting and swearing.

"Sorry! I'm actually on my way up to get some... I have somewhere I need to be at 11.." He looks at Jimin.

"Oh fuck!! J Hope! Can we talk later? I also forgot to tell you that I have an appointment this morning with Jungkook and won't be in till this afternoon.... that's ok, isn't it?"

J Hope looks as though nothing could bother him now. He just shrugs his shoulders and says, "Not getting married are you??"

Jimin laughs. "There's the friend I know and love!" He gives J Hope the biggest hug.

"See you later Jungkook, we will need to have a chat at some point." J hope isn't letting Jungkook off that easily.

"Indeed sir." Jungkook bows and rushes upstairs. He isn't sure what to make of that but can't think too much about it now.

They are in the car back from the meeting with Ryan. Despite the rush, they made it in time both looking pretty darn fucking hot. 

Suited and booted, Jungkook is delectable. Jimin has had his brain in the gutter all morning. He wants nothing more than to just go home and feel this man inside him again. He flushes. Jungkook looks over at him and laughs. He takes his phone out of his jacket pocket and texts Jimin.

Jungkook: What were you just thinking about?

Jimin: The same thing I dreamt about and have thought about every second of this day so far. Do we have to go to dance practice...

Jungkook smiles

Jungkook: You're the boss, you tell me...

Jimin speaks to the driver. "Change of plans. Can we head back to the apartment? I forgot I have some very important papers I need to fill out and bring with me."

Jungkook: That was so fucking lame, I am dying right now

Jimin: I know! Shoot me now!

Jungkook laughs and Jimin gets the giggles. There is no way those 2 don't have any suspicions.

Jungkook and Jimin arrive together at the dance practice a few hours later. What was meant to be a quickie before class ended up being them fucking for 2 hours. The bodyguard and driver just sat waiting in the car park. "Very complicated paperwork apparently." Jungkook had joked.

Walking in, J Hope eyes them suspiciously. Jimin apologises explaining that he and Jungkook had some last-minute changes to work on for their duet.

Dance practice continues and Jimin is working extra hard to make up for lost time. He is really the best in the world for a reason. Jungkook thinks, impressed by how he takes control and how hard he works.

Practice goes on a bit later and Jimin orders food for everyone. J Hope approaches Jungkook to eat with him whilst Jimin is making a few calls in his office.

"Mind if I sit with you?" J Hope asks and Jungkook shakes his head and smiles.

"How is the duet going?" J Hope asks. Jungkook can tell that he is genuinely interested and doesn't detect any resentment or anger in his voice.

"Really well, the choreography and song choice are incredible. Jimin is so talented, I just hope I can keep up with him!"

J Hope laughs, he knows this feeling well. "I've been dancing with him for so many years and still feel that way!"

"I can't fuck up! The pressure is immense!" Jungkook smiles and carries on eating.

J hope looks around to make sure no one can hear him, with a soft voice he says, "I resented the fact that he had chosen to dance with you, but you are incredibly talented and worthy of a place beside him."

Jungkook stops chewing and looks at J Hope. He is being sincere. "You really think so?"

"I do. Of course, you still have a lot to prove, and I will be watching you very, very closely..."

Jungkook could hug him. He is so relieved. "I promise you, I'll do everything right by him."

J Hope smiles and they eat their food chatting quite happily.

After a couple of hours of practice, Jimin excuses the dance crew. J Hope is chatting with Jimin so Jungkook gets his phone out and starts listening to some music.

He is thinking about the meeting with Ryan. He had signed some formal documents to allow rights to the production company to do some work with his music and lyrics. From there, they would call Jungkook back in and see if both parties were interested in working together. It sounded good but Jungkook knew better than to get his hopes up. Regardless of how this worked out, he felt more confident in his music now and knew it was something he wanted to pursue. Jimin had also explained how it wouldn't mean he had to stop dancing. He could easily do both and have his own backup dancers!

The thought to Jungkook was so preposterous right now but he appreciated Jimin's faith in him and his support and enthusiasm.

How could he ever repay Jimin for everything he has already done for him in such a short time period?

His thoughts are interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. "He's all yours." J Hope winks and leaves him alone with Jimin.

"Let's go home," Jimin says whilst collecting his stuff. "We can practice there." He grabs Jungkook's arm and steers him out the studio. "Home?" Jungkook says but Jimin just smiles and picks up the pace. 

When You Breathe...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon