"This is Jeon Jungkook"

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The rest of the week is much the same. Dance practice with the team during the day and private practice with Jimin at night. These usually end with Jungkook needing to be driven home because it's too late for public transport.

J Hope has mellowed slightly and Jungkook has kept himself to himself during the day. At night though, when he is alone with Jimin, that's when he can really be himself. He is finding it easier to talk to Jimin and to laugh with him. The sexual tension is still there but they are getting more comfortable with each other now. They joke around a lot of the time and there is definitely more general physical contact when there doesn't need to be. They often hug when they are pleased with their progress or hang on each other when they are tired. They do not carry this closeness over to team practices. In fact, they barely look at each other (although both steal the occasional glance and secret smile).

By Saturday and after endless hours of practice. All the choreography is perfected and it's just practice runs and venue rehearsals left. Jimin is feeling confident and a lot more relaxed than he felt a week ago. He feels less nervous around Jungkook too and has enjoyed his company in the evenings.

Jimin is taking a business call in the office and Jungkook starts singing and dancing on his own. It takes him a while before he realises that Jimin has come back and is watching him.

"What were you singing?" Jimin asks.

"Oh." Jungkook blushes slightly, "It's a song I wrote."

"You write music??" Jimin is surprised, he didn't know this. He realises that they haven't really spoken much about their personal lives despite all the time they have spent together.

"I do a lot of things. Writing music is one of those things."

"Could you sing something you've written? Do you have any mixed tapes?" Jimin is desperate to hear something Jungkook has written himself.

"I can bring you some stuff I've worked on tomorrow. Oh right! It's Sunday tomorrow. We aren't practicing are we?"

Jimin looks disappointed. Before Jungkook gives it too much thought he blurts out, "Perhaps we could meet up tomorrow... If you aren't busy?" Crap! Did that sound too desperate? He has been so good all week not sounding too desperate.

Jimin is thinking. He looks at Jungkook and cautiously says, "What about tonight? I think we are done practicing and it's still pretty early. Do you have any other plans?" He winces at the thought of Jungkook having "plans". He has been with Jungkook every night this week until the early hours of the morning. He is wondering if he has had time to find his regular fucks. Perhaps he has someone waiting for him at home. He shudders at the thought.

Jungkook is quick to respond, "No plans. Where do you have in mind? Do you want me to head to my house, fetch some stuff and come back here?"

"Why don't I just come with you?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook is a little surprised. Why the heck would Jimin want to come to his dingy shit hole? Jungkook has been keeping it a lot cleaner (well, he has hardly been there) but the elevator in Jimin's apartment building is bigger and better than where he lives. He would be too ashamed having someone like Jimin there.

"Umm Jimin. Do you think that's wise? What if someone recognises you?"

Jimin just wanted to make sure Jungkook didn't have someone living with him but he realises the idea was a stupid one. "Ok, you're right. I wasn't thinking." Jimin smiles. "What about you get your stuff and you come over to mine?"

Jungkook raises an eyebrow and Jimin laughs. "No repeat of last Saturday. Just need a little bit of a break from this place. I'll get the driver to take you and bring you to mine."

Jungkook feels a little guilty about using the driver and tries to persuade Jungkook that he can get a taxi but Jimin isn't listening. "This will be easier and quicker. I'll let the front desk know that I'm expecting you so they don't give you any shit."

An hour and a half later, Jungkook arrives at Jimin's apartment building. He has brought his guitar and downloaded a load of music onto his phone for Jimin to listen to. Despite late nights and early mornings, Jungkook has found the time to write a song dedicated to Jimin. He won't tell him this of course, but thinks he may muster up the courage to sing it to him... Perhaps not!

Jungkook walks into the building and is swiftly approached by a security guard.

"How may I help you sir?" Good grief these guys are like parasites the moment you arrive in this lobby.

"Hi, I'm here to see Park Jimin. He is expecting me. He has let the front desk know I'm coming."

The guard steers Jungkook to the front desk but they are not aware of Jungkook's arrival. Jungkook grabs his phone from his jeans pocket and notices it's been turned off. Fuck! He switches it back on.

"Excuse me sir, but I may have to ask you to wait outside. If we don't have confirmation that you are expected, I'm afraid you can't wait in the lobby."

"Can you contact Park Jimin and check yourself?"

"I'm afraid we don't know if a Park Jimin resides here sir. We are unable to contact anyone on your behalf."

"I've been here before! I know Jimin lives here. '' Jungkook knows this is pointless. He can tell by the look on the guards face that he is not welcome here. Another guard joins them and Jungkook takes this to mean that it's time to leave swiftly.

How to make a person feel like trash in 1 minute. Jungkook thinks to himself feeling really out of place and embarrassed. His phone rings, its Jimin.

"Fuck Jungkook! I'm so sorry! After you left my mum phoned me, she slipped and fell and was taken to hospital. I rushed over there but she is fine. I was a little distracted and forgot about letting the front desk know you were coming! Did you get my texts? Hope you aren't there yet. I'm almost there now!"

Jungkook checks his phone and sees 2 texts from Jimin.

"I just got here. It's ok. I'll wait outside."

"I'll ring them now and let them know. It's best you wait inside. It's freezing! I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Before Jungkook can argue, Jimin has hung up. Jungkook really doesn't want to go back in there but he has little choice as one of the security guards has approached him and asked him to come in.

"Apologies sir. We have now confirmed that you are expected as a guest here. Please understand our procedure."

"It's fine." Jungkook says but doesn't mean it. The guard leads Jungkook to an area covered with plants and chandeliers and gorgeous leather sofas. "Please wait here sir. Mr Park will be here shortly."

Jimin walks in from the parking lot side and looks a little flustered. "So you came in and they chased you out??" Jimin asks.

"It's ok." Jungkook lies. "They just asked me to wait outside for you."

Jimin grabs Jungkook by the arm and steers him towards the front desk. "Hi, can you call your security guards here as well please?"

Jungkook is worried. Jimin isn't usually so bold, What's gotten into him?

Jimin addresses the staff, "Hi everyone. I'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Jeon Jungkook. Please make a mental note of his beautiful face. It's not one you can easily forget. He is always welcome here. My clearance with you is not needed. He can come here and leave as he pleases. I think you'll be seeing a lot of him. It will just get tiresome if I have to always let you know he is coming and if he needs to let you know he is leaving. I really don't want to hear that he has been kicked out into the cold again. From now on, you treat him as you would treat me. Ok?" 

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