When You Are Ready

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Jimin is emotionally drained. He has wrapped himself around Jungkook and is half asleep. Jungkook picks him up and carries him to his bedroom. At least he has already showered this time.

Jungkook tucks him in again and kisses his forehead gently. Jimin smiles and grabs Jungkook's arm before he can walk away.

"Stay over tonight please?" he whispers.

"I was going to stay on the sofa. I didn't think you wanted to be alone."

Jimin pulls Jungkook closer to him. "Stay with me here. Next to me... I want you to sleep beside me."

He looks so small and fragile, Jungkook doesn't argue. Jungkook removes his jacket and climbs in next to Jimin. Immediately Jimin moves over and wraps himself around Jungkook again. A feeling washes over Jungkook but it's not lust. He wants to protect him, to take away the pain. He wraps himself around Jimin and they fall asleep together, both smiling.

Jimin can not remember the last time he slept through the night. Jungkook has never slept with a man and woken up next to a man. They are both still holding on to each other. "Morning.." Jimin whispers feeling shy. Why am I always crying in front of this man?

"Morning beautiful," Jungkook whispers and kisses Jimin's forehead. Jimin squeals a little and pulls Jungkook in tighter. The need to protect and look after him has subsided and the lust has returned. Jungkook jokes with Jimin, "Ok, it was wrong when you were so vulnerable last night, but now you're just adorable and sexy and I'm a man.. I think we need to get up."

Jimin props himself up in the bed and smirks at Jungkook "Actually. I feel at a disadvantage..."

Ok this man is seriously turning me on again! Jungkook plays along. "What disadvantage?"

"Well..." Jimin bites his lip, "You know EVERYTHING about me. And I'm yet to learn some things about you..."

Jungkook giggles, he never even knew he could giggle! "Are you suggesting I undress and go shower with the door open?"

Jimin hides his face under the blanket. "God! What the fuck am I thinking?" He laughs.

Jungkook is serious, he lowers the blanket and looks Jimin in the eyes "When you're ready..." They stare at each other for a little while till Jungkook says, "Until then, let's have breakfast. I'm starving." He jumps out of the bed, adjusts his hard-on, smiles cheekily at Jimin and walks to the kitchen.

Jimin is left hard and breathless and thinking.... Yep. I am gay.

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