The Kiss

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They leave the house. Jungkook isn't saying anything. Jimin feels like there is a shift in the balance. Jimin is getting more bold and Jungkook more shy. He smiles to himself. 

"Jungkook, can I do something now and you won't say no or moan about it?"

Jungkook looks at him wide-eyed. "What is it now?? This was a pretty big shock as it is. I don't think I can take much more."

Jimin bursts out laughing

"Nothing as dramatic as this," he winks. "Just trust me ok?"

Jungkook plays those words over in his head "Just trust me."

"Ok." This is a big deal for Jungkook.

"I wanted to avoid doing this but I think it's best," Jimin says taking out his phone. He has organised for a bodyguard and driver to meet them in a quiet location. They are in another taxi, they remain silent. Jungkook has noticed that Jimin doesn't like to talk in front of people.

The bodyguard and tinted SUV are waiting for them when they arrive.

"Sorry about doing this to you both on a Sunday. It can't wait."

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asks. 

Jimin smiles "Shopping!"

How the other half lives. Jungkook can't help thinking. They are in a VIP area of an exclusive department store in Gangnam. Personal shoppers have scoured the stores and brought a variety of options for Jungkook to try on. Of course, there are a few leather trousers which Jimin insisted on. This boy is killing me! and a variety of suits. EXPENSIVE suits.

"We don't have time to get any tailored. I want you looking sharp for your meeting tomorrow." Jimin interrupts Jungkook's thoughts. "I have a few extra bits as well just because." He gives Jungkook a dazzling smile.

I would walk around dressed as a cabbage for you Jimin.

A couple of hours later Jimin has insisted on buying all of it. Givenchy, Armani, Chanel. Jungkook has no idea how much it costs and doesn't want to know. It made him quite uncomfortable but seeing Jimin's excitement he couldn't say no. When they are alone Jungkook whispers, "This really isn't necessary."

Jimin whispers back "Please? I know you're not comfortable with this, but let me do this for you. I desperately want to do this for you... trust me ok?"

Jungkook can't say anything else, he just smiles and gives Jimin the quickest hug whilst whispering back, "Thank you Beautiful..." Jimin blushes.

The bags are loaded in the car and Jimin gives another address to the driver.

He looks over at Jungkook. "You must be starving. I want to take you to my favourite place for lunch." He makes a call and reserves a private dining room.

It's been a whirlwind of a day and Jungkook has found himself on the back foot for all of it. I need to get some control back here! "So Jimin," he gives Jimin his sexiest smile, "Is this kind of like a date?"

Jimin chokes.

Yes! Let the revenge begin! "Cause it kind of feels like a date...."

Jimin's expression is priceless. Jungkook continues, "You've taken me shopping and now we are here alone, at your favourite restaurant. I've even met the owner." The owner had come to enthusiastically greet Jimin only moments after they arrived.

Jimin clears his throat one last time. "I come here with J hope and Tae all the time. I'll have you know..."

Ah touche Mr. Park, time to step it up a little Jungkook..

Jungkook looks at Jimin and leans over the table.

"This is to thank you for today..." he says and softly kisses Jimin on the lips.

Jimin slowly licks his lips and stares back at Jungkook.

"Do you do that with J Hope and Tae?" Jungkook asks.

Jimin just shakes his head slowly, not breaking eye contact with Jungkook, he whispers, "Again..."

It was only a soft touch but Jungkook is left wanting to devour those lips. When Jimin whispers "Again.." Jungkook doesn't resist. He leans forward, lifts Jimin's chin with his hand, closes his eyes and presses his mouth against his. Jungkook gently bites Jimin's bottom lip. He is asking for permission. Jimin opens his mouth slightly and Jungkook exhales sharply before doing the one thing he hasn't been able to get out of his head since that first smile. His tongue moves slowly into Jimin's mouth. Jimin exhales deeply and pushes his own tongue further into Jungkook's.

Jungkook may have done this a million times before but never has something so seemingly innocent had such an impact on his entire body. It feels like every single one his 30 trillion cells are screaming. It's a combination of desire, happiness, disbelief and sheer bliss. A simple kiss feels so much more intimate than anything else he has ever experienced. It's sensual and intimate but it's also confirmation. Confirmation that despite his own turmoil, Jimin is accepting his feelings. With this thought, Jungkook pushes himself even further into Jimin's mouth and Jimin lets out a soft moan. Oh. My. Fuck. Jimin don't! Don't do that! The sound of Jimin moaning makes Jungkook want to lift him and undress him right there. It's taking all Jungkook's restraint to keep his hands above the table. He knows he needs to take this slowly.

Jungkook slows the kiss down and reluctantly moves away from Jimin. Opening his eyes, he stays close enough to be able to feel Jimin's quickened breath against his moist lips.

Jimin speaks first.

"So that's what it's meant to feel like..."

Jungkook smiles. "So that's why it's meant to feel like..."

They both giggle. Neither can take their eyes off each other. Jimin can't believe it. He kissed a man and wanted more.. a lot more but he was grateful to Jungkook for being gentle and patient with him.

There is a light knock on the door and the 2 boys leap away from each other. They are both a bit flustered but Jimin manages to confidently say, "Come in."

They try to look as innocent as possible whilst feeling incredibly guilty. Jimin pays, despite Jungkook's protests. When the server has left, Jimin whispers, "Besides I'm the one taking you out on this date." He winks and calls the bodyguard in. Where am I finding this confidence?? Jimin wonders. 

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