Why?? Jimin

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Jimin wakes up still in a ball. He has no idea what the time is. He grabs his phone to check. 30 missed calls. Shit! He sits up and calls J Hope.

"What is it Hobes??"

"JIMIN! I was just about to come over to you. Where have you been? Why aren't you answering any calls??"

Jimin winces from the loud noise. "Hobes. I was sleeping. I drank way too much. The bodyguards brought me back here and I've been sleeping since. Only just got up."

J Hope sounds a bit calmer, "We were worried about you! You just disappeared. About the same time as Jungkook...."

J Hope's tone is accusatory. Jimin isn't in the mood to explain but he knows J Hope won't let this go.

"Hobes, Jungkook made sure I got home ok because I was vomiting. He didn't want anyone to know I was so drunk. He came with the bodyguards and left with them.'' Ok, so not the whole truth.

"You could have come to me." J Hope sounds hurt.

Jimin feels a pang of guilt, "Jungkook happened to see me being sick and called a guard. They didn't want to cause a fuss so they acted quickly. I am sorry. Really I am."

If J Hope is still upset, he doesn't say anything else about it. He ends the call grateful that Jimin is ok and tells him to rest till tomorrow.

Walking to the kitchen, Jimin finds the number Jungkook has left for him. He saves it in his phone and sends Jungkook a message -

Jimin: Hey JK, It's Jimin

The man has seen him naked, text abbreviations should be allowed

Jungkook: Hey Jimin.... How are you feeling?

Jimin: Much better thanks. I only just woke up

Jungkook: Good to hear. Are you texting about tomorrow's practice?

Jimin: Few things. First I'd like to get our story straight for last night. J Hope noticed you left the same time I did. I told him you came with the guards to make sure I was ok and you left with the guards...

Jungkook: Ok. Sounds good to me

Jimin: Second - Practice starts tomorrow at 8 am.

Jimin: Third - I'd still like to do a duet if you're up for it....

Jimin waits a little while before Jungkook responds. With each minute that passes he gets nervous.

Jungkook: Like I said... As if I'd ever say no

Jimin feels a wave of relief.

Jimin: Ok! Do you have any plans tomorrow night? Perhaps we could start working on it after the team practice?

Jungkook: Of course! I'd start now if you wanted to!

Jimin considers this for a moment. He desperately wants to see Jungkook but the memories of last night are still too raw. He needs to sort his head out. The evening went from bad to worse.

Jimin: Let's leave it for today. We need the rest. Tomorrow evening is good.

Jungkook: Ok. See you tomorrow. Text me if you need anything

Jimin: Thanks JK

Jungkook smiles. He likes "JK". When he saw Jimin's first message and "JK" he squealed and was thankful that no one was there to witness that! He felt a lot better having heard from Jimin. He'd been wondering if last night put the job at risk. He couldn't believe it when Jimin brought up the duet again. He'd run around his studio flat like a kid at Christmas. It's been a long time since anything got him this excited.

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