The Duet

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There are moments in life when a person will either step up and fight or haul-ass and run. Up till this point, Jungkook had been ready to run. He was embarrassed and overwhelmed. Looking at this beautiful man in front of him, seeing Jimin's concern through his own pain and that pain breaking Jungkook's heart, he knew. Jungkook loved him and he couldn't run. It wasn't going to be an easy fight and he had a lot to prove and a lot of convincing to do but nothing could be worse or more impossible than walking away now.

Jungkook wipes his eyes, straightens himself up and, with more confidence than he feels, he says, "Actually, you know what. I'm fine. You don't look fine but I think leaving now isn't going to make you feel any better. So in answer to your first question Jimin. Yes, I am ready to practice."

With the cheekiest smile he can muster Jungkook adds, "Show me what you've got!" Although I've already seen it all... Jungkook is pleased that he can find some humour in this.

Jimin is also relieved. The joke isn't lost on him and despite his heartache, he feels his cheeks flush and his heart quicken.

"For fuck sakes!" He smiles and pulls out his phone to start the music.

This is what Jimin needed. Nothing makes him feel better than moving to music. He is lost in the emotion of the song and his performance rather than J Hope's words and accusations.

Jungkook is watching intently. How did I end up here? I'm sat in front of arguably the most beautiful human being on the planet. He is dancing for me. He is dancing with me. He has undressed for me! Jungkook is very aware that he has experienced Jimin in a way that millions can only fantasise about.

Looking at Jimin now, Jungkook is no less hypnotised by his movements but he feels this inexplicable desire to know more about the things he can't see. He wants to know everything there is to know about Park Jimin. What scares him, what motivates him, is he happy with his success, what are his dreams, his darkest desires. All the things that Jungkook has never gave a shit about before. Not just from others but he stopped thinking about these things for himself. He shared no intimate details about his own life. His life had been so void of love and intimacy. He never noticed it and it never bothered him until now.

Jimin's dance routine was sensual and provocative. The song choice was impeccable. Having now seen the entirety of the showcase, Jungkook was certain this would be the highlight. It couldn't be more perfect. It invoked all the emotions Jimin had intended and probably more from Jungkook than Jimin would expect. For the boy that never allowed himself to lose control or 'feel' anything, he had made up for a lifetime in the last hour.

Jimin has stopped and he is looking at Jungkook, breathing heavily he asks, "What do you think?"

Jungkook wants to tread carefully, Slowly Slowly Jungkook. Earn his trust.

"As a dancer, I've followed your work. I've seen a few of your duets with J Hope," Jungkook notices a slight reaction to the name. "Honestly, I think it's the best piece I've seen yet. Stunning. I'd just like to ask you though..." His voice softens and he walks closer to Jimin. "Are you sure you want to dance this duet with me?"

Jungkook has already decided to face this head-on so he continues, "I noticed today that J Hope was seriously pissed off... He has always been your duet partner. As much as I would love to dance this with you, I honestly don't want to cause any problems... It's privilege enough just to be part of the dance crew again."

Jimin wishes he could clear his head. He had anticipated something along these lines and had already practiced what he might say. It was what he needed to say to protect himself. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts. Looking straight at Jungkook, trying desperately not to melt at the sight of the beautiful creature, Jimin finally responds, "When I put together any choreography, I always have my duet partner in mind. This choreography was written for us. Yes, J Hope was disappointed, I think that was pretty obvious today, but I've spoken to him and placated him a bit" Lie number one - J Hope left the building anything BUT placated.

"I've chosen to dance this with you because I think it suits the live shows, I think you're a beautiful dancer and I know we can do a good job with this as professionals." Lie 2 although it's half true. He wanted to do this dance with Jungkook because he needed to be close to him and alone with him as much as he could. 

Here came the hardest thing for Jimin to say, the biggest lie, "I think I need to clarify something about Saturday night." 

Jungkook tries to interject but Jimin raises his hand. 

"This needs to be said. I'm sorry about Saturday night. It will NEVER happen again. We can dance this duet together only if we agree to scrap the entire evening from our memory and move forward 100% professionally and committed to the showcase. If you'll find that difficult, now is the time to tell me."

Ouch, that hurt! Jungkook isn't surprised though. At least he was still prepared to do the duet. "Of course. What happened Saturday night?" Jungkook smiles.

Jimin rubs his hands together and says, "Right. That's done. Let's focus purely on work."

"Purely on work.." If only! Both Jimin and Jungkook have tried but it's been difficult. The choreography is sensual, as are the lyrics to the chosen song. It's difficult for either of them not to let their minds wander. Jungkook has been suppressing his need to touch Jimin that little bit longer all night. At the end of every break, he literally leaps away from Jimin and busies himself with his hair or his water bottle. He is avoiding eye contact in the fear that his look will reveal just hungry he is for him. RAVENOUS! The dance is a cock tease and his cock is teased.

The same can be said for Jimin. The intimacy needed with some of the choreography is exactly what he wanted but now he is struggling with it. Every time he gets close to Jungkook he has an urge to pull him closer, to feel his body against his. At one point he rubbed his hand down the length of Jungkook's thigh pretending to stumble and get back up again. The sexual tension is unmistakable. J Hope would be having kittens if he were here. Wait till he sees this! Jimin is thinking. I'm going to get pissed on from a very great height.

Jimin's earlier conversation with J Hope had not ended well. Jimin had listened and registered everything J Hope had told him. He was disappointed to hear that Jungkook performed sexual favours for work. He wanted to know more about that. Of course there was a huge possibility that the stares and the smiles and the confession (Is that what you would call it?) Were all so that Jungkook could keep dancing with the crew. Jimin was also famous and that brought about people who only wanted something from him. It's all anyone ever saw, it was all Jimin was worth - a step into the limelight... With very little confidence it was easy for Jimin to be convinced that Jungkook had anterior motives and cared only about money and fame.

Jimin had insisted on continuing to do the duet with Jungkook and J Hope had stormed out. He would have a conversation with J hope when they weren't both so emotionally drained. Jimin knew he had to protect himself from Jungkook but he couldn't resist dancing with him. There were no alarm bell loud enough to stop him.

It's 1 am by the time Jimin suggests they finish up. "Shit sorry!" Jimin looks at the clock "I hope I haven't overworked you today. I didn't realise the time!"

"Oh crap! Is that the time?" Jungkook is as surprised. "No way! I could keep going all night," he smiles.

Jimin smiles back thinking he could easily dance through the night with Jungkook. Jimin gets his phone and types out a message. "It's late so I've got someone to take you home as well. It's the least I can do keeping you here so long. The drivers will be here soon so let's head out."

Jungkook is always impressed with how kind and thoughtful Jimin is. "Thanks Jimin."

They walk quietly towards the exit. There are only night guards on duty and Jimin is sure to greet them all. Everything about this boy is beautiful. Jungkook can't help thinking.

2 parked cars are waiting out the front. It's late so no need for bodyguards. Jimin says, "see you later" with a smile and jumps into the back seat of the tinted SUV. Jungkook recognises the driver from the other night and bows hello before getting into the second car. Jungkook is exhausted. That has to be one of the most emotionally demanding days of his life. Surely it can only get better from here...  

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