Can I Kiss You...?

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The second live show is as successful as the first. The crew are tired but no one backs out of the after-party. Once again Jimin is removed from the venue swiftly after thanking the crew and the production staff. He is very kind and well mannered Jungkook has noticed. Jimin will meet everyone later at the party. The crew are very good at keeping the location a secret. Chaos would ensue if anyone knew were they went regularly. Jimin may be shy and quiet but he also liked to drink. He was never wild but he certainly showed a side of himself that the media would love. 

If Jungkook admits it to himself, he has been looking forward to this since he received the text last night. It will be interesting to see Jimin outside of the dance studio and off stage. He is so focused at work, Jungkook wonders what he is like when he has a bit of freedom. He would love to get to know him a bit more. He has already noticed so many different sides to him and it's fascinating. Jungkook has never been this interested in a man before. Apart from wanting to find out how he performs when he is naked, the rest is usually of little interest to Jungkook.

They are at a very posh club and have hired out the whole of the top floor. It's a free bar with a private DJ and a huge dance floor surrounded by sofas and tables. To one side there is a corridor with private karaoke rooms. Jungkook notices a seriously hot barman and some hot male servers. He is in heaven. This is a far cry from the dodgy places he hangs out in. Despite the shower and effort to look presentable, Jungkook still feels underdressed. This hasn't stopped the barman eyeing him out though. Jungkook wanders over to get a drink. The barman looks better up close.

"Hi, beer please," Jungkook says with a sexy smile. This is usually all it takes.

The barman licks his lips. Looking around first he leans in and says, "Can I give you ANYTHING else with that?"

Jungkook smiles, not noticing that Jimin has made a quiet entry from the back and is now standing within hearing distance.

Irritation sweeps over Jimin. He wouldn't call it jealousy. He must be irritated that Jungkook is behaving badly at what is technically a work function.

"I'll have something with that, Thank you.." Jimin says to the barman. "I'll have a beer too."

Jungkook turns his head slowly.  Interesting.... "Hey Jimin," he just gives Jimin a sexy smile. Something about the look on Jimin's face pleases him. It looks like jealousy. Jungkook knows the look. He could be pissed off which is more likely but he'd have no reason.

"Jungkook. Sorry to do this but could we chat about work for a second. I promise it will be the last convo about work today."

Whatever you want whenever you want it. Jungkook thinks to himself but just nods politely.

The crew have noticed Jimin's arrival and they are clapping and cheering. Jimin bows and thanks them for their hard work. J Hope and Taehyung are on the dance floor, eyeing Jimin suspiciously but they say nothing. Jimin leads Jungkook to a table near the back.

Jimin is still irritated. Jungkook must have been here for all of 5 minutes and he is already practically shagging someone.

Jungkook waits patiently. He is slightly amused. Jimins cheeks are pink and he looks pissed off. Had Jungkook done something wrong he would be worried, but he only smiled at the barman.

Jungkook speaks first, "Is everything ok? Have I done something wrong?"

Jimin looks at him. He wants to shout "Yes!! Yes you fucking did" but that would be ridiculous. Instead, he says, "Not at all. I just wanted to know if you'd like to dance a duet with me at the next stage performance."

WHAT?? Jimin is surprised with himself. He scratches his head. Where the heck did that come from? Ok, he hasn't stopped thinking about it, but he never thought he would actually ask!

Jungkook isn't quite sure he heard that right. "Umm Jimin did you just ask ME to do a duet?" Jungkook asks cautiously.

No backing out of it now and Jimin didn't want to.

"Yes. I've been thinking about it and I would like to dance with you. You're good and I think we would do well together..." He says the word "together" a little slowly and looks up at Jungkook who is just gaping at him.

Mr arrogant/ Mr Confident has just become Mr Speechless. Jungkook doesn't have a response. He is just staring at Jimin. Jimin gets up and says, "Have a think about it and let me know."

Both men empty their glasses and Jimin walks towards the dance floor leaving Jungkook to head to the bar for another drink. This time he ignores the barman and guzzles down a couple of beers at the bar to calm himself down.

Jimin is much in the same state of mind. He has taken both J Hope and Taehyung's drinks and downed them. Tae keeps asking what Jungkook said to him to make him so weird but Jimin is adamant nothing happened. J Hope and Tae are not convinced.

Jimin continues to drink a little too much. He feels very light-headed. The 3 friends have taken over the dance floor, much to the delight of everyone there. They've done renditions of swan lake to hip hop music and Jimin has been somersaulting and flipping over the boys whilst he can still stand.

His nerves have definitely settled and he is feeling a lot more confident. He has noticed Jungkook watching him intently all night. He has also noticed that Jungkook hasn't spoken to the barman again. Jungkook sees Jimin looking and walks towards him. "Mind if I join in?"

"Good idea." Jimin smiles and J hope gives him a surprised sideways glance. The 2 get a little silly. They start doing girl group dances and ballet renditions to famous pop songs. Jungkook is taking this opportunity to wrap himself around Jimin and touch him every chance he gets. Jimin is taking this opportunity to let him. The crew are watching and laughing. They really do dance well together and can easily anticipate the other person's next move.

There are a few conversations about how the crew haven't seen Jimin like this before. He is always so reserved but he looks happy, wild and stress-free.

J Hope and Tae watch from the sofas having been ousted about 4 songs ago. It's good to see their friend smiling but they can't shift the feeling that Jungkook is bad news.

Hot, sweaty and thirsty the boys take a break. Fuelled by more alcohol, Jungkook grabs Jimin by the arm and steers him into one of the karaoke rooms.

"It's too noisy out there and I wanted to give you my answer," Jungkook explains.

Jimin sweeps his wet hair from his eyes and looks at Jungkook with a smile.

"As if you would need to even ask me..." Jungkook says in a very husky voice. He takes a step closer to Jimin and Jimin stops smiling. His heart starts racing and his mind starts whirling. Jimin takes a step back and Jungkook does the same. They are both just stood staring at each other. 

Jimin feels something he hadn't felt before. Never once has he experienced this feeling of wanting someone. He is looking at Jungkook's mouth and willing him to come closer. He wants to know what they feel like pressed against his. Every touch tonight has sent shivers through Jimin's body. Every time Jungkook comes close to him he feels him without needing to see him. He is drawn to him. Jimin can't breathe. He is trying to read Jungkook's mind. Is he thinking the same thing?? Is it possible? He is a player but does he have standards?? would I even meet them??

It's easier for Jimin to admit to these thoughts now that he has had a lot to drink. This is a man standing in front of him and Jimin wants him to touch him. He wants to kiss him. A fucking MAN!

Jungkook breaks the silence.

"Jimin. Can I kiss you...?" 

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