Afraid Of The Truth

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Of course Jungkook doesn't move. He can now safely say that there is nothing about that man that is not PERFECT. Jungkook is hard, the lust for that beautiful creature has taken over but he knows better than to move.

Jimin is drunk and Jungkook isn't that kind of guy. He especially wouldn't think about it with a man struggling with his own sexuality. He wanted Jimin to come to him sober and in his right frame of mind.

He is listening out to make sure Jimin is still standing. He calls out to him, "You ok in there?"

Jimin responds, "Almost done!"

Jimin half expected Jungkook to follow him but the other half is relieved. If all he wanted was a fuck, surely he would just come in right?? Jimin finishes what he is doing, steps out and wraps a towel around his waist. He walks back into the room.

Jungkook watches him closely. "This time I'm leaving the room till you're dressed." He says. "There is so much a man can take."

Jungkook leaves and closes the door. He has been holding his breath and lets out a massive sigh. The things I want to do to that body...

Jimin opens the door, "Last favour of the night... Can you stay over?"

Jungkook gulps. "Jimin. you're drunk..."

Jimin interrupts, "Yes, that's why I'd like you to stay. I don't feel great and I don't want to be alone. Please?" He gives Jungkook a shy smile.

"As if I could ever say no to that smile." He says in a quiet voice but loud enough for Jimin to hear.

Jimin is asleep in seconds. Jungkook has tucked him in and now sits watching him sleep. He can't help himself, he kisses Jimin gently on the forehead and slowly starts to get up. He leaves the room and heads to the sofa. Lying down he wonders how much of this Jimin will remember and how he will react when he wakes up to find Jungkook there. Jungkook drifts off to sleep.

"Jungkook..." Jimin is whispering in his ear. Jungkook stirs but doesn't wake up. Jimin is wondering how he can look so angelic and delicious at the same time when he is asleep. He lies next to Jungkook just to feel his body close to his. Jungkook responds by moving closer and wrapping his arm around Jimin's chest. Oh this feels too good... Jimin thinks and tears start rolling down his cheeks. He tries to stop them but he can't help it. He starts sobbing. Jungkook is woken up by the sound and movement of Jimin sobbing in his arms.

What the...? Jungkook is surprised to find himself wrapped around Jimin. It takes a moment for him to realise that Jimin is crying.

"Hey, Jimin. Are you ok??" Jungkook asks gently.

Jimin doesn't respond. He hides his face and moves to free himself. Jungkook pulls him in tighter. "It's ok.." he whispers in Jimin's ear. "Stay here as long as you need to."

When Jimin's sobs have subsided, Jungkook speaks again, "Are you ok?"

Jimin nods and wipes his face with his shirt. Jungkook isn't sure what to do. He wants to know what's wrong but doesn't want to push Jimin to talk if he isn't ready. Jimin moves to sit up and Jungkook loosens his grip. Jimin is like a hot water bottle and Jungkook immediately misses the warmth of his body.

"Can we talk another time?" Jimin manages with a soft voice. "I'm sober now and feel a lot better. Thank you for looking after me."

So he does remember. Jungkook is relieved. He also knows that Jimin is asking for some space. Jungkook sits up and puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder. "I'll leave you alone now that you're ok?"

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