19 - Movie

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Day 19 - By Lunar_Dreamcatcher

"Guys!" Blue called out as he ran into the living room. "Let's do a movie night!"

"Sure." Nightmare agreed, soon followed by the other members of their patchwork family.

And for the next few hours, they prepared the movie night, gathering up the scattered collection of movies they owned.

Then, after they had gathered up all the things they considered to be necessary- including a few bowls of popcorn drizzled with chocolate- they proceeded to watch said movies.

Error snuggled with Blue, Nightmare cuddled Cross and Killer with his tentacles- which were surprisingly soft and pillowy- and Horror and Dust were hiding under a mound of blankets together, with a bowl of popcorn that quickly disappeared.

They all soon fell asleep, not even getting past the first movie.

Who decided to watch a documentary on movie night, anyways?

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