The New Boy And The Gossip King

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Normal school days, that's all I asked for. Of course, instead I got crazy and drama/tea filled ones every time. At this point most things were just repeated over and over, the same reactions to different situations and for some reason, people found it so so interesting.

Me, I chose to ignore everything, honestly I didn't care too much about anything that happened around me, as long as it didn't involve me in any way. For some reason, people thought I knew everything that was going on, which was true, and came to me for answers and updates on gossip. Mainly, I ignored them all because it became annoying to have to fill in different people every twenty seconds, I'm surprised I'm aloud to breathe without someone asking me why and if someone else had said anything about my breathing or theirs or someone else's.

This is what my life at school was, I guess knowing the rumours was handy, I mainly just listened and pieced things together easily, guess I'm smart in at least one way.

Today, however, is probably going to be the furthest day from normal, well my normal, which was pretty crazy and overwhelming to others, as we're getting a new student in my year, seeing as we're a grammar school, it's pretty unheard of. Guess England isn't so bad, maybe this new student can save me from this hellhole.

Apparently the new student was an exchange student from America, everyone is saying his name is Francis, but I swear it's Thomas, as I asked one of the teachers and that's what they had said. But, I'm pretty sure Francis is someone joining a neighbouring school to ours, one we work with, he must be popular if he's getting this much attention about going to a nearby school.

Currently I sat in English, I don't understand why we even need to learn more about the language we already speak, if it was my choice, we'd do no languages, because it was too much effort, unfortunately, it's not my choice though.

As I predicted, a new student came in and introduced himself as Thomas, not Francis, but then someone else walked in behind him and introduced themselves as Francis. I didn't quite understand why two people were joining, like this was unheard of. This must be that gossip.

Francis scanned the class before he sat down, I gotta say, he was hot, slicked back hair, golden brown, shining in the sun. Honey brown eyes, molten gold swirled into the brown. Muscles. That smile was to die for. Immediately I knew I'd fallen deep into a hole I wouldn't get out of for a while.

Before I could stare for much longer, a little voice next to me asked if they could sit next to me, my focus shifted to an even more handsome boy that I recognised as Thomas, he must've hid his face well when he was walking in. Realising I hadn't responded yet I quickly nodded my head and put my hand out to offer him the empty seat next to me.

Suddenly I realised, Thomas was even more hot than Francis, his dark brown locks a little longer than Francis', eyes a dazzling green that I was deeply addicted to, his body was built to please the eye, not that much muscle but god damn, a whole lot of eye candy anyhow.

Pure beauty.

"So, what's your name?" His voice was beautiful, I couldn't get enough, it perfectly matched him and what seemed to be his personality, his American accent clearly coming through.

"Oh, me? My name's Newt, Greenie."

"You do know my name is Thomas right?"

"Yeah. We never get many newcomers and everyone in this school knows everyone so when someone new arrives they're just known as Greenie, the last one joined three years ago and is in the year below."

"Wow, okay. And how long will this name stick?"

"Dunno, probably a month or two."

"Cool," and with that we focused our attention back to the teacher, who had an expectant look on her face, looking directly into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miss," she just hummed with a slight annoyance and turned back to the board. Thank god she hadn't asked a question, otherwise I'd be screwed.

After the lesson finished, I spoke with Thomas and found out we had many of the same lessons together. Surprised, I smiled at him and he smiled back, it was so damn cute.

"Tryna hit up my boyfriend there?" That must be Francis, no one here was American. Then it hit me what he said, both Thomas AND Francis were taken, being the only out gay boy in the school sure was hard, there was a few others, but none really out.

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Nah it's all cool mate."

"He's not my boyfriend, Newt, he's my best friend, yes, but my boyfriend, no."

"Damn, why you always gotta turn me down like that, we're both gay aren't we?" Two more open gays, maybe these two will be good friends, along with Minho, but he doesn't go to this school, he's just my adoptive brother and also best friend.

"Yes, but I don't like you like that, now if you will, please let me get to my next lesson."

"At least there's two other open gays at this school now, adding to the previous one," my only contribution to the conversation apart from being sorry.

"What, seriously? Who is the one openly gay guy/gal here?"

"You're looking at him, Greenies."


"Don't bother," Thomas was picking up not to ask too many questions, because people don't really tend to always answer them in ways you want/need in this school.

With that conversation hanging in the air, Thomas and I made it to our next lesson, just on time. Sadly, the teacher still thought we were late, but who wanted to be early or even on time for Biology, she gave us a behaviour point each, but then noticed that Thomas was new and took them back saying I was a good student for helping him get to lessons, even if I wasn't on time, which I was...just.

Science is the worst, any kind of them, I'm absolutely terrible and can't do any of it, then again I'm bad at school in general so. But science was one of the main places where all the gossip
was exchanged and discussed. I got prepared for the millions of my questions that'd be directed my way.

Almost immediately people on my table asked about Thomas, who'd been seated next to me, he was zoned out and currently stared at the board with no concentration. So I started to tell them he had the same lessons as me and that him and Francis were both gay, apparently.

Everyone on my table, excluding me and Thomas sighed with disappointment, the girls upset that they couldn't have a new boy toy and the boys upset because they couldn't be seen hanging round with gays. All except me because I was the main source of everything to do with drama and gossip, so sip that tea and lemme give you a rundown.

But you know what, my schools messed up enough, I don't wanna be here for another twenty four hours explaining the ins and outs of what had gone down in the past three days, a multitude of breakups between populars, a fresh start for most clubs at school, a uniform change, like what?! So, so much more as well.

After a few minutes of me ignoring more questions, misinterpreted rumours and mistakes in gossip, I turned to Thomas to see him slightly smiling at me, maybe feeling sympathy, as he could definitely hear what was going on around me.

You know what, I'll give people something to talk about, so I turned to Thomas and whispered in his ear what I was about to do, he nodded his head and whispered back in mine that he'd wanted to do that since he'd seen me this morning, even if it'd been only two ours now.

Then I became the talk of the school, I kissed the new boy, Thomas, right before Biology finished and boy oh boy, did I love it.

Datings cute and all, but we took it a step further, we exclusively dated and did it in the most extra ways possible, Minho and Francis got together and joined in our fun.

You could say high school was a blast, but not until the last three years that is, however, life is still a blast, as I still have Tommy, he still has me, Newtie.

And the other two are irrelevant but happy. Also still together.

High school memories, Tommy and Newtie, we were revolutionary.

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