Stars Work Miracles

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Stargazing was Thomas' favourite past-time because it gave him time to think over everything that'd happened to him recently.

For example, today he'd seen a cute boy at a nearby café. All Thomas wanted to do was go over and talk to him, he was drawn to this blonde boy for an unknown reason. He decided against talking to him and stayed sitting in his booth.

Not knowing what to think of it, Thomas decided to let it go, it's not like he was going to see the attractive blonde with the dazzling honey-coloured eyes again anyway.

He couldn't have been more wrong.

Living in an apartment meant he could just go up on the roof of the tall building and look at the stars. There were never many, hidden by the smoke of factories, there was rarely ever a clear night sky.

Someone joined Thomas; he had no idea who. They made their way over to him and Thomas became curious as to who those gentle footsteps belonged to.

Thomas didn't bother moving when the boy he had seen at the café came into view, he just opened his eyes a little in surprise.

"Do you live here?" He had a British accent that could melt any living soul.

"Yeah, do you?" He blushed a little when the blonde boy decided to lay down next to Thomas.

"Yeah. I wanted to have one last look at the stars seeing as I'm moving soon." Thomas was a little disappointed at the news even though he didn't know the boy.

"May I ask where to?"

"Back to London, where I came from."




"Sorry. What's your name?"

"It's fine. It's Thomas. Yours?"

"Names Newt, greenie."


"Don't question it, Tommy."

"Kay...Newtie." The blonde boy, now known as Newt, laughed at Thomas' little nickname for him.

"How 'bout I have ya number so we can talk maybe?" Thomas smiled when Newt asked him for his number.

"Yeah sure." Newt handed his phone over to Thomas while Thomas handed his phone to Newt, they added each other's numbers into the other's phone.

Thomas saved himself as 'Tommy😉' while Newt saved himself as 'NewtieTheCutie'.

They handed the phones back to their rightful owners and laughed at each other's nicknames.

"What's with the winking face, Tommy?"

"You never know, what about 'NewtieTheCutie', huh, Newt?"

"Come on ya shank, have you seen me, does that really need an explanation?" Another word Thomas was unfamiliar with 'shank'.

"Nah, guess not." Thomas gained a little blush, he'd just called Newt cute.

"That's what I thought." They both laughed until their sides hurt, they never knew it would be so easy to make a new friend and be able to laugh so easily with them.

After a few hours of them chatting and laughing and trying to calm each other down, then failing and laughing more, Newt decided he had to get some rest seeing as he had a big flight tomorrow.

Thomas had almost forgotten that Newt'd be leaving so soon, he'd only just met him and he'd become the best friend Thomas could ever wish for.

Desperately not wanting Newt to leave he gave Newt puppy dog eyes, but Newt just laughed and told him he had to go.

He'd be lying if he'd say he wouldn't miss the blonde boy named Newt. Even if he'd only known him properly a few hours.

About an hour after Newt left, Thomas decided he would go back to his own apartment and get some sleep, he'd fallen asleep on top off the building once, it wasn't fun, waking up freezing cold and being ten centimetres away from the edge of a very tall building, thank god he hadn't fallen.

The next morning Thomas wondered if he'd see Newt again. Deciding he needed to get to work he dressed and got out of his apartment, walking down all the flights of stairs, because the lift was broken, was a pain, but let him have some exercise.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he saw no other than Newt standing with a bunch of luggage in his hands and by his feet and under his arms. No way he could carry all that by himself.

Thomas walked over to Newt and asked him how he was planning to get all that stuff to London, "How the heck are you gonna get that to London?"

"Special flight...people who're moving...allows more luggage...can support more weight." Newt sounded a little out of breath but it must've been because of all the flights of stairs he would've had to walk down to get there.

"I'm going to help you get that to whatever's taking you to the airport."

"Okay, we've got to take it to my car then." Thomas smiled a little when Newt said 'we' and gladly took all the bags and suitcase by Newt's feet, there was four of things to carry, a large suitcase and three rucksacks, he rolled the suitcase behind him and put one bag on either shoulder while having the other on his arm.

Newt had two medium suitcases, one on each hand rolling behind him; one rucksack on his shoulder. Thomas noticed a little limp when Newt was walking, but didn't think or say anything about it.

When they made it to Newt's car they loaded the luggage and Newt thanked Thomas, they hugged and Thomas told him it was no problem.

Newt smiled and got into his car, "Well hopefully I'll see ya again, Tommy."

"Hopefully. I'll text you."

"Kay, I'll make sure to answer, but don't be alarmed if I don't, it'll be a big time difference."

"That's fine, I'll try to do it at a convenient time for the both of us."

"Using ya big words, Tommy." They both laughed and Thomas blushed a little.

"You betcha."

"I've gotta get going now, don't wanna miss my flight, I'll visit at some point, promise ya, Tommy."

"Yeah, okay. Keep in touch and I'd love for you to visit any time."

"Bye, Tommy, see ya whenever."

"Bye, Newt, see you whenever." With that Newt drove off, most likely to the airport, and Thomas made his way to his workplace.

He went through his shift as a waiter and couldn't get Newt off his mind, texting him whenever he could, Newt responded for a while, but then he had to catch his flight and couldn't answer.

Newt told Thomas he landed safely and they texted some more before Newt had to go and deal with his luggage and meeting family.

They shared their goodbyes with the hopes of meeting again soon.

A/N: I will probably be making a second part to this.

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