That Awkward Moment When...

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That awkward moment when...we first met each other, you didn't know what to say and everything I said seemed weird and when I tried to make you laugh, you'd look at me like I was an idiot, which I was.

That awkward moment when...our friends noticed we'd been getting closer and closer and we're basically inseparable, they shipped us together, man that was an awkward time, we couldn't really be too near each other whilst they were around, just in case.

That awkward moment when...I started to get feelings for you, all that shipping really did get into my head, I think it made me realise how much I liked you and how much time we spent together made me feel amazing.

That awkward moment when...I dated someone else because I thought you'd never love me back, I didn't really like them, but I thought I did, I convinced myself so I'd stop thinking of you. I knew it was a mistake though.

That awkward moment finally found out I was actually with someone, you got so upset that I hadn't told you, we didn't talk for days. Those were some of the hardest times for me.

That awkward moment found me crying in the school toilets, what would've happened if anyone else walked in, I don't know, but I'm glad no one did. You caught me and helped me, I explained everything, my feelings and my mistakes, I told you I loved you that day.

That awkward moment when...straight after I confessed, you turned me away, saying you didn't love me back, not anymore anyway, I guess I was too late and should've asked you before, instead of being an idiot.

That awkward moment when...I broke their heart, for you, because I couldn't keep doing this to myself, my mind told me I couldn't break it off because even if I'm hurting myself, it's better to make someone else happy rather than myself. You found out and comforted me, but after that we didn't speak for months.

That awkward moment moved to London, I always thought it was to get away from me, but you told me it wasn't, I still believe that though.

That awkward moment when...I didn't get to see you for years and years, until one day you just appeared, but you didn't recognise me, you also brought someone with you, someone you were dating.

That awkward moment told me I was a creep to know so much about you, our friends took my side, they knew all we had been through, you left, I will never forget the look of disgust and horror on your face. I hated it.

That awkward moment visited again, you apologised, you said you realised your mistakes and that you actually, truly do love me and will forever more. Too bad I had moved on.

That awkward moment comforted me after every breakup, I get bored of people so quickly and then you would ask me if I liked someone else and you would always hope it would be you, even when it never was.

That awkward moment when...I kissed you, because I needed it, you kissed back and we were finally together, I do love you, I really, really do.

That awkward moment when...I never got bored of you, not once. I love you Newtie.

That awkward moment yelled Tommy for our kids to hear that one night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

A/N: Um, so it's been a hot minute (seven days), I'm sorry, I have no excuse other than school is so HARD AND TIRING. Hope you liked this, it's definitely not my best.

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