Crush On The Greenie

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I was excited, I mean after all of my past I was finally getting back in the spirit of enjoying what I had. The Glade was my home and I looking back I wished I had never jumped, it was selfish of me, but I've been picking myself up, having help from Minho and a couple others.

But the main reason I was excited was because, we were getting a new Greenie! I mean I know they appear every month, but for some weird reason I just felt extra giddy and nervous to meet this new Greenie.

Hopefully this Greenie was nice and I could befriend him, maybe he'd be the boy of my dreams, imagine! All the others knew I was gay by now, it was way too obvious. I mean everyone knew I used to have an ENORMOUS crush on Minho, but then we started becoming really close friends and I didn't really feel romantic feelings to him anymore, it was more brotherly.

Minho was always teasing me about my old crush and after every Greenie came up he'd ask me all about what I was thinking and if I liked the new Greenie or not. I mean some of them were good-looking sure, but I didn't really feel anything special.

But boy oh boy, I was in for a surprise when I opened that box and saw the most gorgeous face ever, he had obviously just recently come to his senses and was adjusting to the new bright light. He was so adorable, I was already in deep.

I couldn't wait to introduce myself so when he was pulled out of the box and started making a run for it, I felt a little disheartened. Maybe he was just a little scared, I mean he was in completely new surroundings and wouldn't remember a single thing of anything, apart from his name. I wonder what his name would be...I'm sure it would suit him.

I'm already head over heels and I haven't even spoken to him yet. Many of the other Gladers had chased after the Greenie before he tripped over his own feet, face-planting the ground. I couldn't help but let out a small google at his slight clumsiness.

After the crowd had cleared a bit as people went back to their jobs, already bored, I started to make my way over. Of course he was still lying on the ground, I offered my hand to him and he took it gratefully. I pulled him up and his voice was heavenly as I heard him mutter a small, "thanks."

"Name's Newt, Greenie. What's yours?"

"Uh-i-it's Thomas," Thomas was obviously a little flustered and nervous, I mean there was no need to be. But now that Thomas has a name, I knew I was just engrossed deeper than I already was, if that was actually possible anyway.

"Want me to show you round the Glade, Tommy?" I immediately have him the nickname, it suited him. I noticed the little blush on his face at his nickname from me, it made my cheeks tint with a faint pink colour.

Why was I smiling so much? I feel so happy, I guess this is what a proper crush is like. Well if it is, I absolutely love it, so so so much. More than I thought I would anyway.

"Yeah I'd like t-that," Tommy's stutter was cute, I let out a little happy sigh whilst he smiled and I grabbed his hand and started taking him towards the homestead, I was going to show him everything I could. Maybe I'd get to know him better.

I felt Minho's stare on my back, he obviously knew I liked this guy, I'd definitely be interrogated later. In the mean time I was going to convince Tommy I was his knight in shining armour to love and cherish him forever...oh dear god, since when did I become so cheesy?

All of a sudden, a rush of awkwardness just ran through my body and I felt my face heat to the colour of a literal tomato as I couldn't think of anything to say without embarrassing myself. I should be way more confident than this. Come on Newt.

My hand was still interlocked with his, I only just remembered and he had obviously noticed too, both of our cheeks flushed red, I didn't pull my hand away though because I didn't want to. With a sudden burst of confidence I randomly bursted and exclaimed, "I'm gay, I like boys, more specifically I like you and your a boy," I just made that so so awkward and weird, what am I doing?

"Uh...o-okay. I mean I-I don't know if I'm g-gay. You're hot though and I wouldn't mind dating yo-wait...maybe I am gay, for you anyway."

"Would you like to be my boyfriend then?" My smile grew twice as wide as it already was when he nodded his head shyly, I was beyond happy. I pulled him close and held him tight, embracing him. Soon he wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head into his hair, as I was taller than him.

He smelled delightful and I just wanted to cuddle (and maybe kiss) him all day long. Sadly, we had to pull away as Minho came bursting into the homestead, demanding my presence, then he noticed me pulling away from Tommy whilst being right in-front of him, "already making out?"

"What! No, we were just hugging, he is my boyfriend though."

"Wow that was quick," I smiled and looked over at Tommy, who had a light blush painting his cheeks and a small smile tugging on his lips. I leant down and kissed his cheek and went back to holding his hand, "stop being so couple-like, it's making me sick."

"Nah. Besides you're just jealous because my Tommy is better than anyone else in the world," with those words Tommy looked at me with a smile and a violent red blush.

I took one look at his lips and then diverted my eyes to his big hazel eyes that I could get lost in for days. I leant down and kissed his lips sweetly, he kissed back and then we both pulled away quickly with blushes rivalling each other.

It had been barely an hour and I was already in love.

A/N: Okay I feel really bad after posting my last one, so here's a fluffy one, I understand it moved really quickly but I really wanted to get this one shot out. I've started school so updates are going to be a lot slower and less frequent (I mean they're not exactly frequent now but anywho).

With my last one shot it did have a meaning behind it and it's not just Thomas being some terrible, mean, ignorant kidnapper almost. He was just scared of losing the one he loved most and got extremely jealous and overprotective. I know it's very out of character for him, but I mean I kind of imagined other people for the one shot but I wanted to post it and didn't want to just make a separate book for it, so yeah. It didn't really fit with this ship though so, I'm sorry.

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