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"Oh. My. He is beautiful, I can't cope. My new crush. Date me please."

Words printed on Thomas' arm that would never fade or disappear, the thoughts of his soulmate when they would meet eyes. Obviously it was printed in a place Thomas found hard to cover up, it stretched from his wrist to the end of his middle finger, so when flipping someone off with that hand they could read, "crush. Date me please.", which wasn't exactly threatening or very rude.

At least he didn't have it in the middle of his forehead like his best friend Teresa, it meant people were constantly saying they were her soulmate, simply reading her forehead, it lead to her getting headbands and at one point a bandage.

Sometimes Thomas really believed his soulmate was out there, but at other times, he questioned why he hadn't met him/her yet. But all hope wasn't lost as Teresa still hadn't met her soulmate.


Well now all hope was lost, Teresa had found her soulmate, someone by the name of Minho. Hopefully, this Minho character knew someone cute that would be Thomas' soulmate. When he went up to Minho asking him if he did know anybody, Minho said his two best friends hadn't found their soulmates yet, one went by the name Newt and the other Brenda.

Minho practically dragged Thomas over to where Brenda lived, turns out that was a mistake. Brenda immediately took a liking to Thomas, even if they weren't at all soulmates, sometimes it's better if you just ignore the other person, but Thomas decided he wanted a new friend, not quite picking up on the hints Brenda was dropping as he hadn't felt the burning of his tattoo representing his soulmate's first thoughts.

Next they headed off to Newt's house, of course as soon as Thomas met Newt's eyes he felt a burning and tingling sensation go from his wrist to the tip of his middle finger, he looked down and saw it was burning red, when he looked over at Newt he thought. "You definitely are hot, that's for sure." He looked over Newt and saw the word, "You", burning red on the edge of his collar bone that was showing thanks to his unbuttoned shirt.

Thomas couldn't stop his smile as he saw Newt's eyes light up and then his cute little smile. Tugging his arm out of Brenda's grasp, which had only gotten tighter as Thomas found his soulmate and ran over to Newt, embracing him tenderly.

Soon enough, Thomas and Newt shared a kiss that basically connected them and made them one.

Brenda's jealousy was obvious and Thomas took immediate notice, he just flipped her off with the finger holding Newt's first thought of him.

A/N: So yes this is short, but I though it was cute.

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