Dear Diary

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November 2nd:

Dear Diary,

So a new boy arrived at school today, he's so cute. His name's Thomas and he's already made friends with the popular people, the people who hate me and my group of friends for no reason.

I really hope I can talk to him because he seems really nice and I'd really like to be his friend. I also may have a tiny crush on him, but I bet you he's straight. Problems of being a gay boi I guess...

Bye, Newt.


November 3rd:

Dear Diary,

I am freaking out, in a good way. So basically, Thomas came over to me in a class that we had together, which was science (I'm actually okay at science compared to other subjects), and asked if he could sit next to me. Of course I said yes, I'm not dumb, but I swear he could see my blush the whole time and just smirked at me.

Why is he so darn hot?! I'm gonna die, I swear. But anyway, from what I know, he's absolutely AMAZING at science and is really good at like...every single topic we do! It's crazy.

I guess I should be heading off, I might not update for a bit and will probably write only if something interesting happens.

Bye, Newt.


November 16th:

Dear Diary,

It's been a while hasn't it...whoops. I mean I was gonna put something down a couple days ago but Tommy was round and I got distracted and stuff.

Oh yeah, we got partnered up on a science project and Tommy basically does everything while I try and help where I can, as I don't really understand what's going on, but he explains everything to me until I get what it does.

He's so kind and caring and thoughtful. Also the other day I accidentally called him "Tommy" and he said he liked it and now that's my nickname for him.

Gosh, my crush on him is just growing and growing and growing, I swear my heart is going to explode if he gets a girlfriend or hopefully boyfriend, because then I'd know if I actually ever had a chance in the first place.

Ah, this is getting quite long. I think I'll update when•something else happens. I had to leave and now there's a pen leak on the page. But Tommy literally just came round and now he's left and it's been three hours since I started this.


Bye, Newt.


November 19th:

Dear Diary,

Well then, guess who went and got a boyfriend...THIS GUY. Omg, I'm so happy, it's unbelievable really. I just mustered yo the courage and asked Tommy if he would be my boyfriend and he said that he would really like to and was meaning to ask me.

We've known each other two weeks and a half and I couldn't be more happy honestly. I still can't believe we're together. I'm hoping he tells other people and his friends so we don't have to keep it as any kind of secret.

Bye, Newt.


December 23rd:

Dear Diary,

Ummmm...hi thereeeee. Okay I'm sorry, I completely forgot and so much has been going on. Later tonight I'm going on a mover date with Tommy, I'm so in love with him, we even told each other that on our one month anniversary, he made me a cake and everything. It was really sweet of him.

One Shots ~ NewtmasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang