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One day, one bright sunny day, two men were getting married, they were both getting married to the love of their lives, each other.

Both of them shared big smiles as Newt walked down the isle and Thomas stood at the alter, his hands shaking slightly from nerves.

Neither Thomas nor Newt knew what the future held, but they knew it couldn't be any better than this special day that they talked about over and over again in the years to come.


Almost six years later, Newt confessed he really wanted a child, a girl to be specific and Thomas agreed with him, a little girl would be the perfect choice.

So the very next day, Newt and Thomas went to the adoption centre and it turns out, a little girl, without a name, had been left at the doorstep of the adoption centre. She was around a month and two weeks old.

They had received a note with the baby and it said her gender and birthday, the receptionist handed it over to the pair, Newt read over it and smiled, happy they were getting a little girl.

Thomas and Newt signed lots of paperwork and then a small bundle of blankets was passed to them, inside was a little girl, they decided to call her Mia, the name meaning "a wished-for child".


Mia was growing up, fast. Newt and Thomas were constantly running around trying to look after her and make sure she was well cared for and felt loved.

It was now five years later and Newt and Thomas were deciding to adopt a little boy so Mia had a brother. Mia liked to call Thomas "Dad" or "Dada" and Newt "Papa".

"Dada, can I go shopping with Papa," she took a deep breath, "please," she extended her "e" so it went on for what seemed like forever.

Thomas chuckled to himself and told her she could go with "Papa" and then went back to working to earn money for his family and hopefully future son.

The very next day they took Mia with them to the very same adoption centre they got her from and of course she goggled at every single item there wanting to touch and play with it. She was a lively child and wanted to touch everything.

Thomas and Newt let her go and play with a box of toys that had been placed in the corner of the reception room for children like her.

Thomas went up to the receptionist while Newt made sure Mia was okay, but keeping a slight distance so he didn't get in her way.

After the receptionist revealed that they had a little boy by the name of Noah living with them and was aged at eight months Thomas' smile grew five times before turning round and telling Newt, who also now had a huge smile.

They again signed lots of paperwork and Noah was brought out to them similar to the way Mia had been, but he was quite a bit bigger than Mia was when they first got here.

Of course, Mia was curios and went over to her two dads and looked at the bundle of blankets that held her brother. She stuck her hand on top of the blankets around were Noah's chest would be and said. "Brover, my brover?"

"Yes, this is Noah, you're little brother," With Newt's reply Mia giggled and jumped up and down a little bit, obviously excited.

They took Noah home learning that his name meant "rest comfortably", which he showed as he slept and didn't cry barely at all, unlike Mia had been when they first got her and she would cry almost whenever they moved her.


Six years later, Mia was turning eleven and was starting high school, she had grown up to be very nice and was constantly looking out for others no matter what. On her eleventh birthday, 2nd August, they had given her a beautiful scrunchie that never seemed to be out fo her hair, it was purple with white polka dots.

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