"I'm guessing you saw Lara and I?" Hans says when he makes it to the landing. His hands are in his pockets, posture straight and confident, and a look of triumph was plastered on his face. Does he think he won something? This is not a game. My sister's heart is not a toy!

"I did," I say, trying to remain calm and to not give in to the temptation of slapping him. "At the Fair on the first day."

Hans nods, his stupid smirk never leaving his face. "Ah yes. That was a fun night."

My hands turned into fists, my sharp fingernails digging into the skin of my palms, most likely leaving crescent moon shapes, and I was starting to feel hot with anger. "Was it?" I question, not sure what else to say, but still standing my ground.

Don't let him see that he gets to you.

"I'm curious though," Hans continues as he gins to pace back and forth from where he stood, "It's been a week. Why haven't you told your sister? Surely she would have broken up with me by now if you had. Or is she really that desperate for love and affection that she'd simply ignore my disloyalty? How badly did you and your family neglect her?"

"My family didn't neglect her," I snap as I angrily take a step forward.

"But you did though. Right?" He smiles, wickedly, when he sees the hurt that flashes across my face. I wasn't expecting him to say that. What all did Anna tell him? "Your silence is making me think yes."

Deeper my fingernails went into my palms. "You want to know why I haven't said anything to her? It's because I didn't want it to be me who broke the news to her, thus breaking her heart. If anyone is going to break her heart, it's you. And I? Well I'm going to help pick up the pieces that you shattered. She deserves to hear the truth from your mouth. Not mine. So grow some fucking balls and end the relationship."

I so rarely cuss out loud, only ever in my mind, but this is a situation where cussing is needed to express how mad and upset that I am. That I'm serious! All the built up anger that I kept inside for a whole week is finally being unleashed, and the right person is going to witness it.

Hans holds his hands up in defense and whistles. "Damn, no need for such foul language, Elsa. You should wash your mouth out with soap."

Elsa Winter Arendelle, do not hit him. Don't do it. "And you should use that soap to come clean to Anna about you and Lara and whoever else there is that you've been messing around with."

Hans shakes his head and clicks his tongue. "Nah. I'd rather we keep talking about cleaning you with that soap instead." And once again, his eyes travel up and down my form, soaking in every detail.

I cross my arms over my chest, blocking his perverted stare which landed on my breasts. "This isn't even about me at all, Hans, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped being so immature." And creepy.

"You like immature though, don't you?" He asks, confusing me. "You and Jack--"

"We're just friends," I lie, quick as a bunny running from a fox. A part of me panicked, thinking that he somehow knew about what happened between Jack and I last night, about us finally becoming a couple, but then I realized that he probably noticed the way Jack and I have looked at each other before.

That look of longing and adoration. Purposely on Jack's part since he's been crushing on me for 8 years and unintentionally for me since I didn't realize I was crushing on him until last week. I still can't get over the fact that Jack's been crushing on me for almost a decade.

"And like I said," I went on, "This isn't about me. This about you being a cheating piece of sh--"

"You don't like me very much, do you?" Hans interrupts, not caring for what I had to say, and the idiocy of his question makes me laugh.

Snowflakes Fall and So Did ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon