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Even though Felix was new to having gills and fins, he seemed oddly comfortable in his scales. Like this wasn't his first time like this. I glanced over at him, tightening my grip on his hand as i began to swim faster through the clear waters. He tried to mimic my speed, but he failed and allowed me to drag him. I smirked from behind my mask and pulled him up towards me, wrapping him in my arms as i once again increased in speed. My kingdom wasn't far from here, I could almost see it off in the distance. I looked at the 'human' in my arms and smiled down at him, marveling his wonder of what laid under the waves.
As Atlantis came into view, i felt Felix begin to shiver in anticipation. But i had to tell him something important, So i stopped us a little ways away. "Look Felix, I need to tell you something...." I told him. He looked up at me with a questioning look, but didn't say anything to disturb me and gave me a hand motion to carry on with my original statement.
"Now... this might come as a surprise, but this is MY kingdom. Im the prince...." I muttered out the last part. saying I'm prince never did quite roll off my tongue. I watched as his eyes widened before giving me a warm smile. "That doesn't change anything~!" he said to reassure me that He didn't think any different of me. I sighed happily and embraced him tightly, him doing the same.
Third Person POV:
As Felix and Cry parted, Cry grabbed The younger boys hand and swam him through the pearl barriers blocking Atlantis from the rest of the sea. At exact time of entrance, The two were bombarded with the local mermaids and mermen, being asked who Felix was and where the prince had been all morning. "He's my friend from the northern isles, We were just wandering around~! don't get your fins in a knot!" Cry laughed out, Felix blushing uncomfortably as he wedged his way behind Cry, hoping to be blocked out from all the attention. Cry noticed this and took hold of Felix's hand, pushing away the citizens and swimming fast to his palace.
As The two men swam quickly through the castle, Felix slightly slower than Cry so that he could marvel at the beautiful interior. But Cry only pulled him along. When Felix and Cry were finally behind the safe, closed doors of Cry's room, Cry let out a huff of annoyance. "I don't see why they have to be no nosey...." He murmured under his breath, earning a look of confusion from Felix. "It makes my head hurt...." Cry added on, rubbing his head as he glanced around the room, eyes settling on a concerned Merman. "Im sorry Cry.... Is there anything i can do to help?" Felix asked persistently. Cry smiled behind his mask sweetly at the Blonde Swede. "You can kiss me." Cry said jokingly, though it didn't sound like it. Felix blushed but smiled, swimming over to the prince and holding his head in his hands, lightly kissing each temple before pushing up Cry's mask slightly and planting a kiss lightly on his lips. As felix pulled away, he saw that Cry's mouth was slightly agape and his face (that was showing) was bright red. Felix giggled and swam over to the bed, sitting down and snuggling into futon.
I stared at Felix, still fazed by the kiss. I only meant it as a joke, but I'm glad he actually did it. I licked my lips, tasting what was left of him that lingered on then. I couldn't wait for later, I could finally leave this horrible place, kiss felix, and possibly build a life with him. I loved this kid.... and maybe he might just love me back..... But that probably wont happen. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. I went over to it and opened it, only to be greeted by a familiar woman's face, otherwise known as Marzia, my Fiancé. "Cry~ Its so nice to see you!" she exclaimed in her high pitched voice. I winced, but she didn't notice as she pushed her way past me and into my room. "Who's this? He looks like a faggot." She stated bluntly, pointing at Felix. I glanced at him, a hurt look on his face. I shifted my eyes back to Marzia, glaring at her from behind my mask. "He's my friend Marzia. don't be rude." i warned her. she shrugged and put her hands to her hips. "But he's a peasant, I don't need to be nice to him. He deserves me to be rude to him." She snarled, Chuckling a bit. I swam over to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of my room. "Im sorry Marzia, but you need to leave." I told her. "But i just got her-" I cut her off, slamming the door in her face. I turned around, looking at Felix. He looked really mad. "Who was that?" He asked sternly. "Thats Marzia....My... fiancé...." I practically had to force out the last two words. Felix's face went from angry to sad as his shoulders slumped and he 'oh'd. "But its an arranged marriage... I hate her." I told him. He smiled sadly at me. "That must be horrible... at least she's beautiful...." he muttered sadly. I shook my head at him and sat next to him on the futon. "Your beautiful." He blushed at my words and looked into the holes of my mask. "Its a shame I don't like girls...." I hinted him. "Your Asexual?" He asked , oblivious to my hinting. "No Felix.... I like Men. Im gay."I told him. He shifted uncomfortably and smiled a little. "So am I..." He whispered as quiet as he could. I smiled widely and side-hugged him. Maybe We can be together?

Scales (pewdiecry)Where stories live. Discover now