The time has come

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I know I cant have him.... its impossible! I mean I'm sure He has a girlfriend and I know he can't possibly be gay! No one that perfect could possibly like the same sex! I paced around my Bedroom, feeling restless and too exited to go to sleep. I mean Holy fucking Jesus nipples i was going to go to Atlantis!! Its not everyday you get to go to the bottom of the sea floor with the man.... or merman of your dreams!

"What do you want for your birthday?" His words echoed over and over in my head. I couldn't tell him that he is what I had been desiring for the longest time! He'd hate me for liking.... Even Loving him that way!!! of course i wanted to see Atlantis, But i wanted him more..... I glanced over at my alarm clock. It was already two in the morning. "Oh Knulla!" I whisper shouted, clambering over and into my bed. I had to go o sleep! Its not like I had all the time in the world to wake up tomorrow! I set my alarm clock for six and snuggled under my covers, becoming at ease in the warmth they supplied me. I quickly fell into a long, dreamless sleep.
I sat up quickly in bed, scrambling to turn off the alarm. I don't know why, its not like I even lived with anyone..... maybe its just that annoying sound that Makes me try my hardest to shut off. I remembered what was happening today and quickly rushed out of my house, forgetting to change my clothes or do anything really to prep myself. I quickly ran down my porch steps and down the stairs, leading to my personal dock and chink of beach. I let out a low whistle sound, Giving Cry the message that i was ready.

I saw him begin to surface, his oak hair sticking to his head as He brought his head above the water. I ran over to the sand and helped him pull himself up on the sandy bar. "So.... how an i going to breath down there? in the water i mean.." I asked. He chuckled and rummaged through a green bag in which he had brought. He pulled out a bright blue slightly glowing liquid. "You'll have to drink this. It'll make you like me. buuuut.... you might want to take iff your clothes..." He mumbled the last part embarrassed. I blushed, but happily took the potion, beginning to take off my shirt. "Could you be so kind as to turn around cry?" He nodded and turned around. "I-Im sorry...." i smiled at his cuteness. "Don't worry about it Cry~" I quickly stripped down and chugged the liquid, feeling a tingling sensation in my legs as I dropped into the sand. I moaned at the feeling and clamped my eyes shut. when the feeling was gone, I opened my eyes and was shocked to see a bright red tail in place of my legs.
I observed my body to find it like Crys. I had small red scales scattering my lower stomach, Webbed fingers, Fins on my arms and sides, and webbed ears. "Cry? It worked!!!" I gasped out. He turned to me and smiled. "So it did...." I dragged myself over to him and threw myself on him. He gasped and fell back, me on top if him. then something crossed my mind.

"How do i turn back Though?" I asked him. He began to pet my hair and smirked up at me. "Well I have another potion for that that I'll drink to. It will make you human again. but theres a catch...." He dragged his sentence on. "A catch?" I said, a little unsure. "Yes a catch. For the potion to work, I need to give it to you... uh... how can i say it? mouth to mouth. and you to do the same for me...." I blushed, but didn't question it, It's not like I didn't want him to kiss me, in fact i wanted it. I wanted it bad. I smiled down at him and felt my blush go down. "Thats not too bad!" I laughed out, him laughing along with me.

"Now my friend, shall we go?" Cry asked, taking my hand in his. "Of course~" I said, getting myself off of him and rolling over into the ocean, him following suit. I had a feeling that this would be amazing. and at the end, I could get a kiss! Of course i wanted to see Atlantis, But i was looking forward to turning back into a human more than anything. I wanted to turn back into a human because for the potion to work, we have to kiss, and that in all reality is the only thing i want for my birthday.

Scales (pewdiecry)Where stories live. Discover now