Escape route

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I pressed my ear to the door, listening to Scott and Russ. I was curious to what they would say. I knew they were against the kidnapping, marriage, and plan for after me and Ryan are wed. They didn't talk really at all, but after Russ said "Done", Scott started talking to Ryan.
"Look, prince, Im sorry we have to do this... but we will most likely be executed if we don't follow through with it...." He sounded so guilty. I knew why. They were and had been always against this plan. Im against it too now. I don't care, I just don't care about anything that I had cared about before.

As soon as Scott had finished talking, the door opened. I was knocked back slightly from shock. Russ and Scott both were in the doorway, looking at me confusingly while holding onto Ryan's arms. They brushed me off though and floated to the corridor. When they were almost of of sight, Russ looked over his shoulder at me and shouted "You should probably get ready too, princess. The wedding starts in half an hour." Before turning away and disappearing from my line of sight. Oh god.... what am I doing? What have I done?


Me and Ken swam quickly through the water and as fast as we could to Atlantis. I was incredibly grateful for Ken right now... I don't think I can ever truly make it up to him! We entered the city's gates, but were stopped by one of the royal guards.

"Stop. We cannot let any unknown civilian into our city. We cannot have any intrusions in Prince Cryaotic's Wedding." The guard said, his voice bold and un-wavering. Ken let out an aggravated huff and folded his arms. "Excuse me but I happen to be the grand witch in Lady Marzia's kingdom, and me and my apprentice would like to give our blessings." Ken said. He sounded really pissed off. The guard moved aside snd let us inside, giving us directions to the castle and where the wedding would take place. I didn't bother to look back and thank him, I didn't have time to. We raced to the the castle, and I almost broke down crying. There was Ryan, In a wonderful beautiful suit, and next to him was Marzia, A beautiful white gown flowing gracefully around her. She looked.... distraught almost. sad. regretful. shameful.

I could hear the priest nearly yelling the vows. I don't know what came over me, but I started swimming as fast as I could towards Ryan, Screaming "NOO!" at the top of my lungs. I made it to the altar in no time, hugging Ryan's midsection and cramming my face into the strange fabric he was wearing. I was yanked back, but I kept fighting. Ryan just floated there doing absolutely nothing. It was confusing me. My eyes darted to Marzia. She looked on the verge of tears. Everything was a haze. After a strong pain in my head, I blacked out.

I woke up in a prison cell, my hands bound in shackles and my tail chained to a weight. I started to freak out. My Ryan might be gone forever! Suddenly, there was gruesome scream coming from down the hall followed by the chuckling of two unknown men. The men swam in front of my cell, eyeing me carefully before unlocking my cell and unlocking my binds.

"Dont worry. We are friends. Im Scott. This is Russ." The man gestured to the man next to him. "We are getting you out of here. Along with Ryan." As The two dragged me along, they explained what had happened, Marzia's regrets, Ken casting a spell to make everyone pass out, the potion Ryan was given to lose control of his body, and how to reverse the potions effects. It was as simple as a kiss filled with true love. I was shown a secret escape route and I was told that Marzia, Ken, and Ryan would be waiting there for me. I was ushered through, and just as promised, I was greeted by the three merpeople.

As we swam away as fast as we could, Ken passed us all potions to give us legs. Ken also said that Ken needed to take off his suit, as it was part of the curse that was set on him. When we got ashore, we all chugged the drinks. Turns out Ryan lied about the mouth to mouth thing for the potion to work. Im glad he did though. When I threw off Ryan's mask and kissed his lips, Marzia and Ken were oddly already gone. But I didn't care much. Ryan was back. And he was all mine. Ryan threw his arms around me and began to sob, me doing the same. "I missed you Felix.... It was horrible.... " He gasped out. I helped him up and led him to my house. I wanted to be as close as possible to him.

HEEEEY~! Im sorry this chapter totally sucks. I got lazy and wanted to get it done. but Thank you for waiting so patiently and I assure you the next chapter I hope will make you less mad at me for this chapter~!!!

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