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a;n yo this is long as heck, forgive me already skdkskk I love you too :3


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Hyunjin felt sick.

His stomach twisted in nervousness. It was so awfully hot and sweaty. He did not know how many minutes it had been since he watched students empty the classroom, until eventually only he was left behind. Leaving his backpack on his chair, he paced around the room, his face distorted by an anxious frown. Sucking in one big breath, he stopped and sat against the edge of a table. With his slightly trembling hands, he unlocked his phone to once again, scroll through his last messages.

Messages> Angel Min
Today, 13:26

Angel Min
Stay back once school ends.

Ugh, leaving me on seen. Really?

I'll walk Jisung and Felix to the
gates and be back. Don't go anywhere.


Hyunjin bit on his lips. He didn't know how to stop his heart from hammering against his chest. It's over, isn't it?

He had to force himself to set his phone aside to refrain from the unbearable urge to search the Internet on 'how to disappear' and 'easy steps to climb out of a window on the fourth floor'.

Like a roller coaster speeding down an unpredictable track, Hyunjin felt enormous tides of emotions flood over him. Is this really the end? After all these days of getting closer to the one he loved so dearly, was he destined to lose it all just like that? As he drowned in the thoughts, he felt his eyes dampen. He didn't blink. Hwang Hyunjin doesn't cry now, does he? I can't cry. I shouldn't. But along with the stinging of tears in his eyes, he felt his nose tingle. With shoulders hanging low, he stared down at his feet.

The air carried a trace of hopelessness.

Hyunjin heard faint footsteps, causing his heart to leap right into his throat. Then, they gradually got louder. And louder, until somebody was approaching him. He stiffened, but did not dare to raise his head.

A familiar pair of black sneakers entered his view. He gulped. Seungmin is here.

Hyunjin could swear he felt the clock's ticking right inside his head; painfully, at an agonizingly slow pace.

"And then he realised Seungmin's left shoe had a hole in it."

Hyunjin's head shot up in confusion. He locked eyes with Seungmin's.

Seungmin's gentle gaze.

A smile played on the said boy's lips. He then broke out into laughter. "I'm sorry," he scratched the nape of his neck, "Felix dared me to say that."

HI, I'M SAM!  ーseungjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now