Character Overview #7

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Overview of Tiberius

Gidget "Tobias?"

Tiberius *lunges forth from shadows* "It's Tiberius!"

I believe everyone remembers the hawk who became Gidget's best friend in a matter of seconds. He was loyal, kind, wise and misunderstood.

Tiberius "Wow, I never noticed that. Thank you Captain Obvious"

But, approximately four years later, he somehow changed to have a more feral edge to his qualities. Not to mention a little scarred up as well.

Tiberius "What did you say?!"

Gidget "Nothing!"

All of this happened because Gidget and the others had forgotten him. Feeling like he had been used and backstabbed, Tiberius can't help but feel hatred towards the dog who was supposed to be his best friend.

Tiberius "I thought you said we were best friends! You and me!"

Gidget "We are!"

Tiberius "Then why did you never come around?"

Deep down under his hard exterior though is still the same old lonely bird Gidget had found in the shed all those years ago.

Tiberius "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell, end of conversation, goodbye!"

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