Chapter 1

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*Universal Logo and Illumination Logo pop up right before the screen changes and the opening song plays*

A bright sun is shining down upon the towering skyscrapers of New York City. A flock of pigeons fly by the Empire State Building, on route towards Central Park. There are many people out, enjoying the cool summer breeze. Families ate picnics with each other, couples rode on bikes or boats together and some kids were playing with their beloved dogs. Going along one of the many paths in Central Park, the scene zooms in on one particular family in the shade of an oak tree. Empty plates with crumbs upon them and all the food gone from the picnic basket suggests that they had just finished up their lunch. The husband and wife are laying with their backs against the tree, the man having his arm around the woman's shoulders. Their young son is sitting down on the red and white checkered blanket that had been laid out. He was reading a book aloud to the two dogs who were beside him. One was a Jack Russell terrier while the other was a large Newfoundland mix. Both listened to the little boy with smiles on their faces.

There is no way life can be better than this. Forget about luckiest dog in New York, I am the luckiest dog in the world. And that's thanks to the special people in my life right now. In case you're wondering, name's Max. Here beside me is my brother Duke and our boy Liam. No, he's not literally ours, he's really Katie and Chuck's. I suppose we're more like his... uh... big brothers? Does that make sense?

While Max is monologuing, Liam finishes the story he had been reading. Closing the book, he placed it off to the side. Leaning over, he wrapped his small arms around Max's neck and gave him a warm hug. Feeling left out, Duke brought his head over and gave Liam's face a lick. Laughing, the boy got one arm around the larger dog.

I guess it does. I mean, we look after each other. For goodness sake, Duke and I have been around Liam his entire life. I would do anything for him. And when I say anything, I mean anything. It's great for him, it's great for me. It's great for everyone around us. Like I had said earlier, there is no way life can be better than this.

Katie and Chuck are now picking up everything and placing it into the basket. It was time to head home. Liam got up to his feet and went over to help his father while Katie went to get the leashes attached to Max and Duke's collars. The two dogs sat still while she did so, their tongues hanging out of their mouths and their tails wagging. As they walked away from the oak tree, Max trotted alongside Liam.

There's just... one little problem...

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