Chapter 20: Third Recess

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"When you asked me to come drive you, I figured it was to the movies or out to eat. I didn't realize you guys were investigating a murder."

Patrick Thompson was the oldest of Alex Ryan's friends and the only one with his driver's license besides Mr. Ryan. "Yeah, but none of us can drive, Pat," Teresa Scott replied, poking her head into the front seat of the car. When the group had decided to follow up on the lead in Hunter's journal, it quickly became evident that without Doug Chambers, they were immobile.

Denise was the first to have thought of calling Patrick, but she was met with uncertain responses. "His dad's a cop, sis," Paul had told her. "Even though we trust him, we can't be certain that he won't go telling Officer Thompson everything we've done."

"Yeah, Denise. I love Patrick like a brother, but he's got loose lips," Terrance added.

"Guys, we have to find that treehouse before anyone else does or we'll have nothing." Once she said this, the others complied and the boy was summoned to the Miller house.

When Patrick walked up to Terrance's front door, they quickly recognized him by the fiery red hair he got from his Irish ancestors and his face that was emblazoned with freckles. He was of average height and of average intelligence. His skin shone like snow in the sun, and his eyes were as dark as dark gets.

Teresa Scott favored the young Irish boy but never came around to discussing it with anyone except for her two closest friends, Denise Harris and Kim Adams. Being the only three girls in a large group of friends, the three had learned to latch onto one another and trust each other with their deepest, darkest secrets. Unfortunately, Patrick had never reciprocated this fervent passion.

"So what exactly is in this treehouse you guys keep going on about?" Patrick asked while driving west towards the Davis Estate.

"We're not sure, Pat. As we said, this is solely a hunch, but Will seems to be certain that there will be something there." Patrick peered his eyes to the backseat where the young boy sat, staring out the window longingly.

Patrick turned towards Denise who was seated next to him and whispered, "How could Hunter have had all these secrets and he never told us? Or at least all of us?"

"Hunter was never open about his feelings to anyone except for Alex and Will. It makes sense that he told them about whatever it is he found. I just wish that Will would tell us what he knows," she said, fondling with the mirror attached to the car.

"I thought he said he told you everything."

"He's lying. Will has never been good at lying, especially to me. He knows more than he's letting on, and it's crucial that he tells us. We can't help Hunter or Alex without him."

"What are you going to do, Detective Denise?" Patrick said with a smile.

"Will said he wants to look at the treehouse alone. Something about how it was a sacred place to Hunter and it shouldn't be disturbed. I'm gonna go with him and confront him. If he won't tell all of us, maybe he'll tell one of us."

Patrick smiled at his friend and patted her on the shoulder. "Good plan."


Amanda Ryan felt a deep sense of wonder and awe as she laid eyes on the King's Castle. This "Castle" looked more like an old mansion from a horror film. The girl clung on to the arm of her beloved boyfriend as they trailed behind Jon Sand, the King in the North. The front doors to the Castle were made of solid oak and worn. They were guarded by two Crows in tattered clothes and leather jackets. Each window in the house had either cracks, holes, or dark stains from age and other forces.

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