Chapter 15: The Davis Estate

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Amanda Ryan felt her body tense up as she approached the pale-colored door that belonged to her family's home. She never felt so stressed to enter a room before in her entire life. As the girl slowly made her way up the steps now lit only by the moon, she remembered that the red skin the King gave to her was still covering her torso. In a frantic panic, Amanda removed the leather jacket and clumsily stuffed it in her bag. Before her was the front door, now only inches from her body. She shakily placed a small, brass object carefully into the door lock. Turning the key slowly, she unlocked the door and opened it, cautious to make minimal noise when entering the house.

Upon entering her residence, Amanda smelled the refreshing scent that she knew to be home. Equanimity flowed through her body, releasing the tense muscles of their grip. The college girl was able to meticulously ascend the staircase and enter into her bedroom without waking any of her family. With a deep sigh, Amanda plopped herself onto the mattress in front of her. The events of the evening circulated throughout her mind. Excited, confused, anxious, fearful, and energetic she felt. Amanda set her bag down and slid it underneath the bed. As she slid under the orange bedding, Amanda drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep. For the first time since she came home, Amanda felt a trickle of hope within.


Amanda Ryan dreamt of many things that night, but as the girl dozed and rested, outside the Ryan house, a tall, black shape peered into the townhouse. Hooded and dressed completely in black, the figure stood silently in the front lawn of the Ryan family's home. As this figure stalked the Ryan family, a low buzzing sound could be heard from within the pocket of his hoodie.

The figure pulled out a cell phone, and the caller ID on the phone showed only X on the dimly lit screen. Flipping the phone open and answering the call, the uninvited guest of the Ryan's lawn raised the phone to where an ear would be had its entire head not been concealed by the shadow of a hood. "Are you there?" a voice called out from the void.

"Yes," the figure spoke deeply back into the phone.

"Good. Don't let the girl out of your sight. She needs to be taken from the path she's set on. Do whatever needs to be done." There was a static sound and then silence.

Silence. The only sound in the entire neighborhood—the entire town—was the low gust of wind and silence.


Once the plans were finalized at the Miller house, everyone went their separate ways. The girls, Denise and Teresa, drove Teresa's small car to the Davis's house, while Doug drove Terrance, Will, and Paul in his truck to the woods behind the Davis estate. As they crossed the town, Doug thought about his girlfriend. He did not enjoy lying to Amanda, but he needed to solve this mystery for her. He knew that without his help she would do something stupid.

She and Alex always had a complicated relationship that he never understood. They constantly fought and bickered, but also somehow had a deep connection that always led to them doing whatever it took to protect one another.

Doug and his younger sister, Ana, did not have the same relationship. They were close, but the difference in age and the homelife struggles made it difficult to share any true sibling bond or rivalry. They talked from time to time, but rarely about anything good or joyous; most often, they discussed financial matters and how they were going to stay afloat.

Life was difficult in the North and more so for those who were not under the protection of the Crows. Doug's family had been offered a spot in the Crows, but his father declined, not wanting to taint the family name. This was a cruel joke, as their name was already tainted by the North. Living north of the river rendered one a miscreant. Instead of joining the gang, Doug's father spent his time working in vain to rebuild the North's infrastructure.

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