Chapter 13: Second Recess

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As the sun set over Fox-Run, the Ryan family returned to their home. Alex sat in the back of his family's van as they drove down Twelfth Street. Amanda sat with her little brother and held his hand. "It's going to be all right, you know," she said. He beamed up at his big sister as best he could.

"I know. I never got a chance to thank you for what you did for me." Amanda messed with Alex's hair and laughed.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'd do anything to protect you... Anything."

Alex shifted his focus to the window of the van. He peered out at the town and saw a lifeless community. Everyone had returned home. The shops were closed. The sidewalks, usually busy with civilians, were vacated. Because of this trial, the entirety of Fox-Run had been put on hold.

Amanda could not help but smile as she watched her brother look out the window of the vehicle. She then remembered about the murder, the investigation, the trial, and the knife she found missing from their kitchen.

"Alex," she started in a whisper, "I think we need to talk about some things." Alex turned to face Amanda.

"When we get home," he said, not even glancing away from the glass.

After several more minutes on the road, the Ryans finally arrived back at their home. James and Shannon helped Vinny out of the car and up to his bedroom. While they took care of their youngest child, Amanda and Alex stood in the kitchen.

"Alex, we need to talk." Alex bit into an apple he grabbed from a fruit basket on the island. "I think I know how they managed to get you blamed for the murder," she said in a calm, low voice, careful not to alarm her parents. Her brother took another bite of the red orb before shrugging.

"The knife," Alex answered, matching the tone of his sister's voice. "The one that went missing from our kitchen." She seemed surprised to hear that he had already thought of this.

"How'd you-"

"Amanda, I was in a cell for two weeks with barely anyone to talk to. I told you when you visited me that I figured everything out."

"Yes," she began, feeling more and more angry with her brother's secretiveness, "but you never really explained how the knife got from our kitchen to the bathroom..." Amanda stared at her brother, waiting for answers that she knew may never come. Setting his apple down and standing up, Alex gave his sister a smile.

"I took it," he announced plainly. Amanda frowned at the boy with the feeling of uneasiness prevalent in her mind.

I don't even know who you are anymore, she thought to herself as she watched the young boy disappear down the hallway.



The King in the North took Amanda to his car. It was a simple model and very old in appearance. She sat in the passenger side as Jon drove. He drove them far across the North and out of Fox-Run. While they were driving, Amanda felt her anxiety increase slightly. "Why are we leaving the town?" she asked.

Jon Sand chuckled. "A Crow doesn't make his nest in the canopy. A smart one builds its home hidden away from the eyes of its predators... Don't worry, girl. The Aerie is only a few miles out of town." Amanda relaxed a little at this saying but still felt the pit in her stomach loom as the comfort of home became farther and farther away.

To keep her mind off the oddity of the trip, Amanda decided to take in the view of the countryside. Fox-Run lay in the middle of nowhere with only one outgoing road- Main Street. The surrounding terrain was beautiful. It was green and yellow and brown. The many colors of the countryside flowed together and painted an amazing picture in Amanda's eyes. She watched as deer and other fauna pranced through the meadows and open fields.

Fox-Run v RyanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora