Chapter 16: The Testimony of Denise Harris, Part 2

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Denise sat calmly and quietly on the stand as the crowd erupted into chatter and noise. Betty North returned to her table and quietly discussed with her counsel. This was the first time in the entire trial that Judge Montgomery did nothing to quell the uproar in the courthouse. Rather, the large man gawked at Denise on the stand. She wore no emotion on her face. Avoiding eye contact with anyone, the young girl stared into her lap, twiddling her thumbs.

The young Alex Ryan also sat in silent calmness. He was surprised that Denise was the one to finally admit something. Whether or not she intended to, she had fallen into a trap that was laid out for every witness thus far. The boy's lawyer leaned over to whisper in his ear. "She's going to tell them everything, isn't she?" Mr. Allen asked.

Alex continued to face forward. "I don't know." Mr. Allen shook his head. "I'm going to have to testify aren't I?" Alex glanced up at his attorney.

"If she tells them everything, there's nothing I can do to keep them from calling you up there," Mr. Allen muttered.

"And if she only tells them some things?"

John Allen's expression was not reassuring. He bit his lip and tried to anticipate the moves of his opposing counsel. Finally, he looked at Alex. "Well that would depend on Denise and what she decides to admit."

John Allen's obvious uncertainty worried Alex. "If she tells them abou—"

"Alex, I won't let that happen," his uncle whispered. "If anyone found out you knew Hunter was going to die..." his voice trailed off. Alex focused his eyes back on Denise. She was still looking into her lap, and Alex could feel what she was thinking. Just as he looked into the girl's fiery eyes, he remembered the innocent Will sitting a few rows back.

Say anything, Alex thought to Denise in his mind, and he will never forgive you.



"Amanda! Get up!" Shannon called from down the hall. Amanda Ryan woke up late that day with a kink in her neck and a nasty taste in her mouth. As she rolled out of bed, she noticed something red sticking out from under it. "Shit!" she grunted, scurrying to shove the red jacket back beneath the bed frame.

The moment the red leather disappeared from sight, Shannon Ryan opened Amanda's bedroom door. "Amanda Grace, watch your mouth," she condemned, setting a pile of clean clothes on the teen's unmade bed.

"Sorry, Mom. I... stubbed my toe."

The woman scowled at her daughter. "That's no excuse, little lady. Clean your room up while you're at it. This isn't a vacation. You're only here for one reason... Also, did you ever find that last page?"

Shocked, Amanda looked up. "What page?" she questioned.

"The missing one... Page Seven, did you find it?" her mother reiterated, a little annoyed at her frantic daughter.

Amanda breathed out. "Oh yeah, that. No, I didn't, but I'm going to go look for it today." Seemingly satisfied with that answer, the worried mother turned and exited the room. The college student exhaled deeply and glanced down at where the jacket sleeve had popped out. Instead of putting away her clean laundry, Amanda changed, put her leather jacket in a bag along with her stolen evidence and pictures, and headed out.

As she promised Jon Sand, the girl went to find the missing page. Because she was unsure of its whereabouts, she decided to pull over and call for help. "Hello?" the deep, comforting voice of Doug Chambers responded.

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