{15} Party Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

Michael's head fell into his hands. "Where'd you even come up with this plan?"

"Come on," Celeste dragged on. "It's romantic, don't you think?"

"Whatever you say," Michael muttered. "I just haven't been able to see you for over an hour."

"I know," Celeste murmured. "But, it'll be worth the wait, I promise." She went even closer to him, her lips brushing against his before giving them a soft kiss. "Hopefully, that'll hold you over for now."

Michael snickered as his cheeks heated up. He bid Celeste farewell for the time being as he proceeded to pick out an appropriate outfit for this occasion.


The evening had slowly been approaching, and sooner or later, Michael and Celeste knew that the guests would arrive. So, without another second to waste, Michael walked to the bedroom door before getting Celeste's attention.

"Ready?" Celeste asked, excitement shone through her tone.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Michael responded, straightening the collar of his button-up shirt. With that, he opened the door for it to reveal his girl, who was wearing a long, midnight blue dress, with a slit going up her left leg that caught his breath instantly. He attempted to swallow the lump in this throat. "You look...beautiful." He finally stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Celeste smiled at him, blushing as she did so. She put a piece of her hair behind her ear, looking at the floor in her shyness. "Thank you," she said sincerely. She looked back up only to see his button-up shirt that perfectly coordinated with her dress. "Casual, yet just right. I love it."

Michael gave her thanks before they walked to the living room hand in hand. They awaited the arrival of their guests, and before they knew it, many knocks were heard from the door.

"Greg!" Michael exclaimed happily. "We're so glad you could make it!"

"You're kidding, right?" Greg inquired, shocked at his friend's words. "Man, ya' know I wouldn't miss this. It's ya' first house warming party!"

Michael chucked. "Come in, come in!" He patted his shoulder in a friendly manner as he led the rest of the way inside.

Greg noticed that Michael's eyes shifted down to the beverages he'd brought. "I hope this is allowed," he spoke up. "I figured that there would be older folks here, ya' know, so—"

"It's all good," Michael assured him. "Don't worry about it."

Celeste gave his arm a warning tuck. "Michael, you know what that stuff can do to you if you have too much," she stated. "Just please be careful."

Looking at her with a reassuring gaze, Michael rubbed his thumb over his hand gently. "I'll be fine, Cel. I promise."

As more time passed, more people were showing up, and they'd all began catching up until the sound of a utensil being tapped on glass was heard. "Hi, everyone!" Celeste started. "First and for most, thank you all for coming! This means more than you could ever imagine."

Michael nodded, agreeing with her words. "Yeah," he chimed in. "You guys' support throughout our relationship is the reason why we're standing here in our very own house together!" They gave each other a look that was nothing short of pure love and admiration for each other. "So, with that being said, officially, welcome to our home!" Just as the words fell from his lips, everyone raised their glasses before bringing them to their mouths to take quick sips.

Michael and Celeste's lips connected in an affection kiss that made their hearts grow twice their normal size. They were completely in awe at what they'd finally been able to accomplish.

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