"Oh my, she really did a number on you, didn't she?"

Benicio drew in a sharp breath, but doesn't lift his head. No, he thinks. It's not real. It's just my mind playing tricks on me again.

"It's almost pitiful."

This time, he's certain it isn't in his head because he recognizes the voice. He doesn't look up. He doesn't need to. The sugary sweet pitch of her tone hiding the taunt in false concern pinpoints the intruder.

He's cold.

But he's angry.

"Hm, surprised she didn't castrate you if I'm honest. It's probably in the list though. There's protocol for things like this. I'm sure you know. Being Beta and all."

Feet appear in his field of vision -though blurry and slightly disoriented. At this, he looks up. The witch's beautiful face is smiling at him, as if he wasn't sitting there on the verge of malnourishment. Selene wasn't going to kill him so quickly, he knows as much. That doesn't mean she won't make him feel like he is slowly dying each and every minute.

Ivory hums, vivid orange eyes glowing bright even in the dim light. Her green hair had been tied up, the thick ink around her neck nearly hidden in the mix of the blue on her skin.


Benicio rumbles,

"You're a fucking liar...this is all your fault."

He spits. Ivory raises a brow at him, tilting her head to the side as she considers his words. She doesn't respond, and so the onslaught of his accusations begins. She can see it, the final strand of his sanity thinning out. Like a rubber band being pulled at the ends too much, he was always bound to snap.

Benicio feels himself growing agitated. Regardless of the frost he feels prickling his skin, his blood roars scorching hot in his ears. Blinded by his rage, he directs a glare at her,

"You told me... you told me my daughter was gifted. You told me Hestia was destined for greatness. You said she was chosen."

Benicio bites out the last word, hatred and venom dripping from his tone as spittles flew from his mouth. His arm flexed under the thick bindings, no doubt itching to choke her with it. He's vibrating with anger.

"You lying piece of shit, it's your fault I'm in this mess."

"Is it?"

Ivory asks. She laughs under her breath, red cloak dragging behind her as she approached him.

"When you visited the council with your two baby girls, you asked me of the Goddess' favor. If one was chosen, as you said. If one was blessed. I didn't lie. I told you, your daughter was special. I never said which one."

She smiles almost tenderly in thought,

"Oh, but I knew what you were like before. Even when you smiled so charmingly, acted as if you were benevolent in front of all those Alphas including yours... I knew what you were really like."

Ivory leans in closer,

"I can see a snake from a mile away. It takes more than pretty words to fool me, I'm afraid."

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