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Oscars pov

I whistle as I walk into my sisters home, putting my key back in its place on my belt. I cant wait to tell Sofia about my new pet! I go into her kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee as I wait for my sister to join me. Leaning against the kitchen counter, I pause as I pour in my sugar.

Couldve sworn I heard something.

I cock my head to the left, listening carefully. A steading thumping noise was coming from upstairs and I glare down at my coffee. I didn't want to break my sisters privacy but what if she were in trouble?

My nose flares as I think of how my fathers men would talk about woman. Especially mouthy, or strong woman. My eyes drag to the stairs and I think of how I witnessed woman being treated. My mothers screams break into my head, her begging for them to stop.

Mother did say men take, they always take things that were never theirs to begin with.

I walk up the stairs at that memory, smoothly turning off the safety. When I get to the door, I throw it open, gun trained on the bed.

Jim Gordon lets out a shocked noise, scrambling to over the two of them. "I came up here thinking you couldve been in trouble." I hiss, watching as the man scramble off my nude sister.

Her brown eyes glare at me, a scowl on her flushed face. "If you cant tell, that isn't the case." She snaps at me as she adjusts her blankets. At her sentence I rip my eyes from the cop, staring at my sister. "He killed Mario. Our brother. And you fuck him?" I scoff, feeling sick.

"That has nothing to do with me."

Now I knew. I knew why our dad had been so against her taking back Gotham. "You know no loyalty." I couldn't breath as I shake my head, moving to leave. I'll kill Jim Gordon another day.

"He was going mad!" Sofia shouted behind me as I stumble away.

I whirl around, teeth bared like an animal. "Is that so, sister? What of you then?" I storm up to her, ignoring Jim as he shuffled awkwardly away from her under the blankets. "He may have been going mad, but he was family!" I slap her when I get in arms reach.

Before Jim can speak, I turn my rage to him. "And you! Leave before I kill you. I believe you have gotten yourself too entangled in my family's privacy." Jim glances at Sofia, who nods and he moves to gather his things.

My eyes are back on Sofia. "You are truly nothing but a whore, sister. You are beautiful and smart but you are ruthless with no loyalty. That man murdered our brother, and you reward him with yourself. If you choose to rule Gotham, it will not be with my help." I glance at Jim as he pulls on his underwear.

"Actually, stay. It seems this place makes me sick." With that, I storm out. I make sure to break three of her favorite vases on my way to the door.

What? Karma made me do it.

I sit in my car, fuming. If I go home, my pet will not be there. I start the car, driving in silence before making my way to the Narrows. I need drugs and something to kill.

My phone chimes when Im halfway there, Sofia texted me to call her when I manage to calm down. I scoff, throwing my phone in the backseat somewhere. Shes lucky I didn't kill her and her little boyfriend.

I make a quick stop to my favorite dealer, getting everyones favorite booger sugar before making my way to the rings. I do a few lines before i leave my car, locking it behind me. I rush into the building

----------------------time skip---------------------

Rough hands toss me out and I fall in the concrete. "Fuck you!" A burly voice yells after me before the door shuts. I slowly pull myself to my feet, ignoring the bruises littering my torso. I huff, licking my lips only to taste my own blood, my bottom lip stinging.

I roll my eyes as I wipe the blood away, stumbling up to the metal door, slapping against it with an open palm. "Eat a fuckin dick! Your parties shit anyway." I sigh as I check the time, cringing when the pale glow of my watch shows just how late it was.

12:30 pm

I look around the dirty, empty alley before stumbling home. There wasnt a point in trying to drive and I had lost my phone in my rage. After nearly 30 minutes of walking, I notice a dark car following me.

I take a few random turns, making sure to aim for more crowded area as I watch the car. When I move to cross the street, it pulls up and I pull out my gun as the doors swing open to show...

Victor? I lower my gun as my newest toy hops out, rushing to me and taking me into his arms. "I was so worried!" I stiffen as he hold me, his affection honestly making me a tad bit uncomfortable.

Victor pulls back, our bodies still pressed together as he takes my face into his rough hands. That warmed rings on his fingers press into my cheeks as his brown eyes fall on my busted lip. He holds my face still as his pink tongue darts out, licking up the blood from my lip.

I shiver at that, warmth spreading across my cheek. "I called you, you said you'd return hours ago." Victors voice is soft and I try to relax under his unexpected affection.

"I...my sister is a whore." I mumble, unsure how to interpret his concern.

Is it real? Why would he care about my wellbeing?

"What?" Victors thumb rubs my cheek soothingly and I close my eyes at the gentle touch. "She's sleeping with Mario's killer."

I miss Victors reaction, my eyes closed, but he shifts, his hands threating into my hair as he pulls my face to his shoulder. I almost fight it out of instinct, I never do this much touching outside of sex thank you, but I curl into his warmth.

His fingers message my scalp, making me melt completely against him as I take in his scent. I let Victors words wash over me, instead focusing on the warmth he provided.

I didn't know I was so cold alone.

"Lets get you home."

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