Chapter 2: The curse of Rosa

Start from the beginning

Ashley dragged himself to the bathroom. He realised something is missing as he unzipped his pajamas while he stood in front of the toilet. He put his hands inside his pajamas to check.

"What the....where is my...", before he finished his own sentence he noticed his chest seems fluffy.

He laid his hands on his fluffy chest. To be more precise, his brand new breasts.

"The f***!, Abbie!! Ann!! Uncle!!!...come here!".

Shocked to find an extremely beautiful woman with hairy legs, in  Ashley's t-shirt which clearly  did not fit her slender body, Abbie shrieked," Where is Ashley!?. Who are you!?.When did you come!?".

" This is me! Ashley!",  said the beautiful woman with a hint of panic. She seemed like she was about to cry.

Abbie grabbed Ashley's baseball bat and started to look for Ashley in the room. Uncle James and Ann stood their in shock.

"Ashley you better come out now! I will hit you with this bat if you don't come out now! I told you not to bring women in the house while we are here!".

The woman yelled,"Abbie!, I am here! I am ASHLEY!. I know Rosa did this to me !She said I will know what it takes to be a woman in this lifetime. But how did she do this?.Black magic ?. Neh. She knows Mantras maybe?. Or could it be "Tantric Vidya" ?.."

"SHUT UP. Don't give me this bullshit!. Ashley where are you!?".

Ann walked around that beautiful woman," Perfect eyes, perfect cheekbones, perfect nose and hey did you do Botox?.Meh you cannot be my brother, how can he look more feminine than I do. Also you need to wax those perfect slim legs of yours. You know me right? Wait who doesn't?. I am Ashley's sister and  a top model of the state. I am a total femme fatale style," she continued without letting her answer, " ouuff! Let's get to the point first instead of talking about me, where is my brother?."

"Well you guys left me no other option," the woman took a long breath," Ann I caught you making out with Uncle's  co-worker when you were 18.."

Ann's jaw dropped open.

"Whaaat! Ann!!", Uncle shrieked in shock.

"....Abbie you walk in underwear at home when no one is around and of course I caught you half naked thrice. Uncle you come to my room occasionally and pat my head while you think I am asleep."

Embarrassed Abbie instantly realised this has to be Ashley. Apart from Ashley no one saw her half naked not even Ann. It took a while for Uncle, Abbie and Ann to absorb this absurd reality.

             "We need to find Rosa first. It all started because of her maybe she can help", advised Uncle.

With a very slim hope Ashley called Jonathan Grey for personal contact information of Rosa.

Four of them sat in a circle keeping the phone on speaker,Ashley started with a gentle tone,"Hello Mr.Grey. I am Ashley's sister. He asked me to contact you for Rosa's personal contact information to make sure she does not reopen the case later".

"Oh! You are that great man's sister!", then he said with a calm tone leaving some hint of nervousness," After the hearing I did what Ashley asked me to do. I offered Rosa the amount Ashley and I decided but Rosa left without a word. I followed her to the airport but she wouldn't accept the money. I don't think she will come back to reopen the case. Ask Ashley to not to worry...",the phone dropped from Ashley's hand. But the situation apparently seemed funny to Uncle, Ann and Abbie.

"...Hello?..hello?", said the voice from the other end before finally hanging up.

"Ashley no matter what you say, admit that you look beautiful in this body from most of the models. These texture of hair and skin. This body figure. Damn rare!," Complimented Abbie with a laughter. But Uncle and Ann couldn't have agreed more to Abbie's remark.

"It is over. What will I do now ?. How will I go back to work?. Abbie, Uncle and Ann you all asked me why I look down on women...see at what extent they can go to make a man cry! If they can't break men's heart by making them falling in love, they find a way and conspire with God to make men miserable!".

"Ashley?. When we weren't believing you that YOU ARE ASHLEY, you should have shown us your sense of humor because it still sucks the same!," they  all bursted into laughter apart from Ashley.

"Abbie! You don't want me to tell others your dirty secrets do you?," Smirked Ashley.

   The situation might seem quite serious but for James, Ann and Abbie this was an opportunity for Ashley to change into a better person. They can't help but enjoy watching the-one-with-no-problem-in-life finally facing a crisis like other humans. In Ashley's case different and unique crisis.

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