Chapter Twenty Three: Surprising Feelings and Emotions

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We land in 1/2 hour. Can't wait to see your beautiful face in person. Xxx. N

I'm waiting for u Prince Charming xxxx. S


I turned off my phone and played with my promise ring a bit. I decided to join the conversation the girls were having.

"Oh my god. I know! she's such a slut." Ali said.

"She needs to grow up." Sophia said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Miley Cyrus." (No offense to her fans) Perrie said filling me in.

"Oh yeah." I zoned back out of the conversation. I fidgeted with my ring again.

"Sarah!" Ali yelled shaking me out of my daze.


"You alright?"

"Yeah." I smiled. Am I? Why wasn't I excited? I'm seeing my boyfriend. I thought.

I went back to fidgeting with my ring. I don't know. I wanted Niall and I to be more than boyfriend and girlfriend. It's going to be two years in like 3 weeks. I am just going to have to wait. I slid off my ring and flipped it around in my hand. I looked at it intently. Does he love me enough? Are we ready? I thought. I put my ring on.

I pulled out my phone and plugged into my earbuds. I hit shuffle and '18' played. It was one of my favourites from FOUR.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by Perrie shaking me. "Hun, they've landed." she said getting super excited. I put my phone away.

"Perrie, can I talk with you later at home in private?"

"Yeah. Are you ok darling?"

"Yeah. Thanks." I said as she wrapped me in a hug. We stood there hugging till I heard Niall call my name.

"Sarah!!" he yelled running over to me and picking me up off my feet in a hug. A grin spread across my face. He put me down and connected our lips. I wrapped him in a hug and stood there as I was hugging him and he was hugging me.

"I'm home." he whispered.

"For a while." I said. He kissed the top of my head.

"Let's head home. I want to be home now."

"Ok. It's nice to see you." I said as he grabbed his backpack and 3 suitcases.
"Let me help." I said taking his backpack and sliding it on my shoulders. I grabbed a suitcase. Niall took my free hand and held it as we walked to the van.

We packed everything up and climbed in. We were the only ones in the van. I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, you alright?" Niall asked.


"Look at me. What is on your mind?"
Niall took his fingers and rested them under my chin. He tilted my head up so we were making eye contact.

"I don't know."

"Something's up because your acting different."

"I don't want to talk about it yet. I need to talk with someone else first."

"Ok. But promise me that you will come and talk with me. I love you. Please tell me you still love me."

"I love you. I really really love you." I said. I pulled his lips to mine. That's the problem. I love you too much.

"I love you too." After the rest of the crew got in the van, we headed home. I helped Niall take his stuff in.

"Sarah. Do you wanna go talk?"

"Yeah. Can we go in the backyard?" I asked. We sat down on the comfy chairs.

"So what's on your mind?" she asked.

"This probably sounds ridiculous but I'm kinda getting impatient."

"With what?"

"I want Niall and I to be more than just boyfriend and girlfriend. I know we love each other and I want to be with him and you guys for the rest of my life."

"Haha. That's common Hun. You have to let it take time. He's maybe waiting for the right time or setting like that. It will work out I promise."

"God I just want to know what's making him hold back. Does he not trust something? Does he love me?"

"Oh he loves you darling. we can never tell. It will all work out. Trust me."

"Did you ever feel like that with Zayn?"

"Yes. I get where you're coming from. It's something every girl goes through in a long relationship. We all wonder."

"Ok. Let's have a group bonfire tonight!"

"Good idea Sarah. Let's go get the others." I gave her a hug.

"Thanks Perrie. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. You're my sister. I'm happy to help you."

We walked into the living room. "Let's have a bonfire tonight guys." I said.

"Sounds like a plan!" Liam said. We all walked out into the backyard and started the fire. Sophia and Eleanor made everyone hot cocoa. I grabbed blankets for everybody. We all snuggled up around the fire. It was quiet. Louis coughed then Harry.

"Ok. What is it?" I asked. Niall handed me an envelope. I gave him my hot cocoa mug and started to open the fancy gold envelope. I pulled out a card.

You Are Cordially Invited to the
BRIT Awards


Hello! Great job on your music! We here at the BRIT Awards community feel that you have lots of potential. We here are nominating you for the Best New Artist. We would love it if you could be in attendance with us at the ceremony. Please RSVP by the following date.

We also would like it if you could perform at the show. We hope to see you there!!

The BRIT Awards Team

"Holy crap!!!" I said.

"What?" Niall said grinning.

"I'm nominated for a BRIT!!!!! They also want me to perform!!"

"Yeah!!!!" Perrie cheered excitedly. I was so excited.

"Did you know??" I said to Niall and the guys.

"Yeah. We were talking with the guys on the team and they knew that you and Niall were dating so they were going to send it to him to give you. Congrats." Liam said.

"Ahhh!! Cheers everybody!!" I said. We talked for a while about the tour. It was nice to see the excitement in their eyes. I snuggled up with Niall. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closer if that was possible.

"Congrats Sarah!" He said before kissing the top of my head.

I couldn't believe that I was going to be nominated for a BRIT Award. I went to bed thinking, "one thing would make this better.."
Hiiiiiii. This was a crap chapter. Im sorry. I know. I hope you are grand and glorious. I got my 1D concert tix in the mail and it finally hit me. I'm going to be on the floor, really close to the stage, and they will see me and my genius posters.

500+ Views?!?!?!?!????!!!!?! WHUTTTT!!! Holy crap. That's half of 1,000! I'm soooo thankful for all of you reading. I really am. It's sounds clique but I really do mean it. This is my dream and to experience it with you all is amazing.

I have an important question... I know what's going to happen. Would you want another book or just a continuation in this book??? I'm just wondering so if you'd let me know... Thanks a bunch. Don't worry though I still have a lot of chapters to go before we get anywhere....

I hope you are all amazing and if you want to talk about anything, message me!!!

"I hope you look back on the past 4 years and feel proud because we're all in this together."
- Louis "BooBear" Tomlinson ❤️❤️

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