Realisations Part 2

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Hey everyone! For some reason Wattpad has been acting up so my chapter is unusually late, I have it fixed now so my chapters will come out of schedule! Woohoo! Hope you enjoy and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!
Stay beautiful!🧡❤️🧡

Unfortunately for a deceitful aspect, he had been left alone once again in the dark place of the mindscape. Remus has finally appeared only to see a miserable Deceit, things were not going as planned.

Remus looked over at Deceit, his eyes trailing over the slightly built frame. He had to admit, despite his scale face, Deceit was certainly handsome. In Remus's opinion, Virgil had been idiotic to give up the snake like aspect.

"What do you want Remus."

Deceit asked no longer caring, he felt like he had hardly any options to retrieve Virgil back. His plan was set in motion but he was finally weighing up the costs of his actions.

"Once I get Virgil back, will he begin to love me if he learns the truth behind what I've done?"

Deceit thought to himself in worry, shaking it off as he realised that who other than himself could lie the best, after all he was literally Deceit, actually that wasn't even his real name, his real name is-

"Oh you know! Just checking up on you!~"

Remus spoke enthusiastically as he broke Deceit from his thoughts. Deceit rolled his eyes at the idiot eating deodorant. Deceit never quite knew why he did that, after all, surely there had to be a better snack than a perfumed stick used for your under arms.

"I'm fine Remus, go and be concerned about other people, I don't have time for you."

The snake like aspect hissed out, Remus rolled his eyes and threw his now empty deodorant over his shoulder.

"I don't believe that!"

Remus said mockingly pretending you be hurt by Deceit's cool attitude.

"But you want to know something fun~"

Remus said while smiling chaotically at the now concerned Deceit.

"My brother and your lover are in the living room, completely defensless~"

Remus said happily, Deceit caught the dukes drift, the wheels turning in his brain about the possibilities of actually going through with his plan. He found it strange that the duke was actually ready to go through with it, after all he had a certain soft spot, despite his outwards facade, he loved his brother dearly.

"So you changed your mind then Remus?"

Deceit spoke casually, he was low key ready to collect his lover. He doesn't care what others think of him, he was far too gone in the depths of darkness to give up Virgil now.

"Let's just say, I want to keep my brother as a pet that goes on adventures!~"

Remus hysterically laughed out, happily thinking of all the things he could now do if the plan is a success.

"Finally! Creativity twins joined at last! Oh the things we could do! Hahahahahaha!"

Remus thought in excitement and ecstasy, getting a hard on at the idea of everything coming together. Deceit was disturbed at the site but nonetheless eager to get his Virgil back.

"let's get our boys back~"

And with that, the dark sides placed their plan into action, I afraid of the consequences that would happen to Thomas or the others...

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