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Ok, I know this is the 2nd A/N in a row, but... *DRUMROLL (pls)*

THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL IS OUT! It's called Secret in the Song.

But this isn't a cheesy little HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! It will be the story I'm working on most of the time now. That will give me time to come up with more ideas for Troll Till' Twilight.

I know you guys pay attention to that story more, but I literally lost all my ideas for it. Someone apparently deleted all the pre-writes chapters in my notes app (*cough cough* mom *cough cough* sisters)! So I'll be writing weekly now!

I actually am able to write stories on the bus now! So that will be easy as pie! So expect an update from Secret in the Song every Saturday or Sunday!

Quick notes: (lol!) ok
Troll Till' Twilight = TTT
Secret in the Song = SITS
<Pro status right there!>

That was literally me being cool now! So PLS don't hate for my lack of updates! I promise (cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye), to keep updating full-time with SITS. If I don't, then it's probably for a really-desperate-deadly-new-uncontrollable-life-problem/reason.

Pls slap da votes button and follow so you can find out more about SITS (lol! I swear I'm dying XXXD). Baiiiiiiii!

neekachu <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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