~2•Time Flies~

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I was on the stage. A million is what it seemed, but no. All my ten million subscribers stared at me. I took a big gulp then looked over to the introducer guy. "WELCOME, EVERYONE, TO THE OFFICIAL ADAM DAHLBERG WORLD TOUR! HE CAME ALL THIS WAY TO SEE YOU GUYS!" He spoke. I just looked at the roaring crowd. Then, I looked behind me at all my friends, from Ian, to Ashley, to Jordan and many more. Well, technically a few Jordan's. Heh. Even my beautiful girlfriend, Alesa, was there. She always made me feel positive! "WOOOOOOO!" They screamed. I heard the announcer's voice again, "ADAM DAHLBERG HERE TO SING YOU HIS NEW ORIGINAL SONG, GIVE OR TAKE!" I felt like I was about to run in fear. The spotlight moved to me. It was too late to turn back now. I took a few deep breaths. I know I had practiced the song a hundred times before, but now I couldn't remember any words at all. I took a quick glance at Ty, who was just sitting there calmly. I wanted our friendship to last forever. We believed in each other. And now was the time he believed in me. He gave me a wink and I faced the audience. I felt butterflies in my stomach. But, they weren't bad at all. I suddenly was able to memorize every word in the song and believe in myself. I let a tear drop from my eye and opened my mouth. I felt amazing. I could hear all the fans. But then, one little word came to my mind. Hate. I felt like a mirror shattering and I fell to the floor. The fans weren't cheering at all they were booing. What did I do wrong? What happened? I turned around, seeking support from my friends. But they weren't there. I heard many curse words. It felt like my years when I worked a Subway. I cried my heart out and only felt vibrations...


"AGHHHH!" I screamed. I sat up to find out I was in bed. Thank goodness that was just a nightmare. But the thing is, I've been getting that same nightmare for the past few days. It's a sign, I know it! Friggin' Illuminati!

I looked at my phone. It was on vibrate and apparently, Ty had sent a few texts. And I got a missed call. That explains a lot.

Ty does this all the time, so he'd probably be at the house by now. I jumped up from bed and changed. Then I rushed downstairs to grab a small bowl of cereal.

No one else seemed to be awake. Aww yeah! Instead of taking my box of Cheerios, I took Ian's, just to annoy him. Since we're "those" kind of people, we each have our own food stashes.

I quickly gobbled it up and checked out the window to see if Ty was there. He wasn't, yet. But Jerome was out there. But why?

Jerome's never outside at this time. He usually stays in his room, like, for the whole day. But since today's the Fire Festival, I guess he'd be preparing something.

I just watched him. And waited for Ty. He finally showed up, but he didn't ring the doorbell. Instead, he started talking to Jerome.

Jerome suddenly waved his arms like crazy and threw a-book? Jerome reads!? No way! Anyways, Ty started to talk, but they both looked sad. Jerome started to cry and talked for a really long time.

Then, they just sat there. Interesting, indeed. I looked at the clock. 8:15! Holy shit! Ty and I were going to be late. We promised to see Bodil at 8:30 for his Fire Festival parkour.

I grabbed my car keys and pounded on the door, which swung open. Ty and Jerome looked shocked. Wow, now I'm just rude.

"Oh hey, Adam. I didn't know you were up." Jerome said. I was about to speak until Ty interrupted. He coughed then spoke. "Ahem! Mr. Adam? Did you forget something."

I felt pretty bad that I didn't wake up earlier. "Sooo, Ty. We should be going now. Bye Jerome!" I dragged Ty to my car. I felt bad for leaving Jerome behind, but hey, Bodil would beat me if I didn't.



"Thanks everyone for watching. Please like and subscribe if you're new to our channels. Ok bye!" Said Vikk, ending the video.

We turned our cameras off. Now all we had to do was edit. But, it was time to test out my parkour for the festival today.

We chatted for a while. Then Vikk left, leaving Simon, Baki, and I. They were going to test it out too, but Vikk couldn't because he had other things to do, like MORE recording. Since the festival was tonight, all the YouTubers had to upload before that time.

Baki, Simon, and I waited. It was just about time to start, but no Ty and Sky. Shame. I really wanted to troll them. I mean, you can't have a Fire Festival, without fire, right? Forget that. Since they didn't show up. We all decided to go ahead and, well, parkour!



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in the past few days. I was lazy and I had to do some of my summer reading project (I wait til' last minute).

Anyways, this seems like a long enough chapter. I hope you all enjoyed. In the next chapter, I'll have some unusual POV's and introduce new characters. So it's probably going to be long and take a while. Oh, and before I forget, that last chapter was actually published after the Filipino thing. I was in the car and there was no wifi so I couldn't publish then and I forgot to fix that part. I hope you understand.

Again, thanks for all the support and slap dat vote button for more long chapters like this one! STAY AWESHUMMM! BAiiiiiii :3 🍫🐧🎨

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