12. Voices

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I've been been down sick but got the strength to edit this today, I'll post the next chapter too probably tonight or maybe leave it for thanksgiving, which would you prefer?


Song: Today - Kim Bo Hyung 

I can't be just friends with you- Seth Cohen, The O.C.


"When was I not interested in you?" He says in such a confident, sexy voice that the phone slips from my hand.

When was I not interested in you

When was I not interested in you


OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I Scream proceeding to stamp my feet on the ground and run up and down the room repeating, oh my goodness.

Kristina grabs unto my hand. 

"What's going on?"

"Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness," I reply unable to say anything else as I shake Kristina's hands holding onto mine.

"Yo Shang Ye what on earth did you say to the poor girl that she's lost it?" Drinkingwine's voice flows to my ear reminding me that he was on a call with kritna in the same place as Shang Ye while I was reacting this way meaning....Shang Ye heard it? Gasping I quickly grab Kristina's phone and hang up.


"I notice one untouched painting hanging on the wall. It was a painting of a naked woman, her back to the window, her face unseen hair disheveled, scars on her back as if her skin was torn by a hook holding a paint brush," Summerheat reads as Hera

They were having another live session for their book and were reading a snippet for it. Fans including myself were super excited as it meant we were getting a sneak peak! Hence the feed was filled with thousands of folks wanting to get the first sneak peak. Making this unique it was being read like a radio drama being acted bye the authors. fans were all going crazy at hearing their favorite authors act out characters they wrote. 

"Well except this," 

Hera says getting up and walking to it - Kristina Narrates.

It had so much depth to it, the brush strokes were done in a way that seemed to go in circles. I was a lover of arts and if I was to explain this, the woman was filled with internal scars and hidden from the world yet visible.

"Did you paint this?"  Summerheat asks.
It had that mysterious aura the mona lisa had.

"It's like she's drowning in it,"  Summerheat asks.

Lexis comes up and leans on the wall next to her.

"Aphrodite," She says looking at the name written at the bottom.

"The goddess?" She asks but he doesn't answer. I don't remember any mythology about her like this or was that the painters name?

"That painting was here long before this house was bought,"  Lexis played by Dancinglove finally answers.

Her hands touch the painting to feel it. It felt rough. 

"Legend has it that the lady was named Aphrodite, she was so beautiful everywhere she went men fell at her feet. One day she fell in love with the god of war and got married. They had a kid together but the husband not satisfied went out in search of pleasure, it drove her mad with jealousy. Her husband not wanting a mad wife around locked her up in this very room and got a new wife. She never got to see her son again but from the window, she'd look down at him. Till one day he found a way to see her without his dad knowing. To celebrate his birthday. It was the greatest mistake he ever made as she used the knife that was meant to celebrate his birth to kill them both,"Lexis says.

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