21. An unexpected guest

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Song: Calm down -Rema ft Selena Gomez


When I return from the restroom I  open up my laptop again and start watching US. 30 minutes into the movie Iump in fright at the sound of my phone ringing. I pause the laptop and pick up the call.it was Jane, a girl who lived across from me and couldn't go home either as she was an international student.

"Hey Jane," I say answering the call.

"I need to go to the CVS across from the memorial union can you come with me?" She asks.

"You're sick?" I ask worried.

"Oh no, I just need extra tampons. I'm out," She says.

"Oh I can give you some of mine," I say.

"For real?"

"Of course!" I reply and get up from my bed to grab some. As I open the basket I normally place them in I am met with an empty basket. Crap.

"Sorry,Jane but it looks like I'm also out. I'll come with you and also grab some," I say.         

"Meet at the elevator in 5?" She asks.

"Ten," I reply needing time to change.

"Cool, see you in ten," She says and hangs up.

Ten minutes later we head down the elevator and out of the residence building. I halt my steps as the door opens and reveals a car standing in front of the building. Leaning against the car was Da Sheng.

I am filled with surprise at seeing him here that changes to excitement as I take a step forward to hurry towards him but pause in my steps as I glance down at what I was wearing. I was wearing my pajamas pants, flip flops and a sweat shirt. For a split second I debate running back into the dorm. However, just as I turn to run back in I hear that voice i had now come to love call out to me, "Hannah?"

"No," I reply before realizing I had said that out loud.

"Hannah?" Jane calls from my side tugging at my hand.

"Hi," I whisper.

He smiles and starts walking over. This would be a great time for the ground to melt into a puddle. Steeling myself I return a smile.

"Shang Ye," I reply.

"Who's this?" Jane whispers from the side.

I don't know, are we dating? We never made it official......

"Hi, I'm Xiao Nanchen, you can call me Chen," He says reaching out to Jane for a handshake.

She gleefully takes his hand and shakes it.

"I'm Jane, we live on the same floor in the dorms," jJane says to which Shang Ye nods.

"Did I interrupt your plans?" he asks.

"Oh no, we are just going to CVS to grab some tampons," She says before I can stop her.

......What sort of person tells someone they just met they are going to grab tampons? Oh Lord, who could come shut her up?

Thankfully, Da Sheng did not change his facial expression as he asked.

"Do you need a ride?"

Jane hurriedly nods and runs over to the car opening the passenger seat and stepping in. Wow, some people were truly shameless. Didn't she just meet him seconds ago? Why did it seem like they had been friends for ages and I was the stranger?

Da Sheng walks over to the passenger side and opens the door.

"Apologies, this seat is reserved for my girlfriend Hannah," He says causing my eyes to widen in shock.Girlfriend? Hannah? ME?!

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