18. New Friends

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Song: Loving you is a losing game -Duncan Laurence

lol the song is not related to the chapter in any way, but for the fact that it helped me get inspired+motivated to write the chapter. 


Standing in front of the bookstore I am still in shock. So that was ShangYe? Xiao Nan Chen. I place my hands over my heart as my lips turn up.

"What's making you smile?" I hear a voice call out. Lifting my head I am met with Shang Ye, ethereal face with a grin on it. "I...are you done?" I ask. He nods and gestures for us to leave. Walking next to him I can't help but steal glances. 

It is one thing to read about someone and fangirl about the person, it's another to actually meet that person. What was even better? He was much better looking than I'd imagined. He was tall, probably 6 something. With gorgeous black hair primly cut and styled with a center part that gave off a vibe of a serious lawyer, yet also had a boyish charm to it. He had gorgeous phoenix like eyes with almond shaped lips and a straight nose. His eyes were deep black, like diamond coals. It was breathtaking. So breathtaking I almost tripped, but thankfully he caught me.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He chuckles and stands in front of me. "Do you want to feast your eyes to contentment before we take any further steps?" He asks a mischievousness to his tone. 

"Narcissist much?" I reply.

He chuckles, "I'm glad," he says.

"To be a narcissist?" I ask with crinkled brows.

He shakes his head, laughter in his eyes. "That my comment made you loosen up," He says  to which i smile in realization. He must have noticed I was awe struck and thought to shock me into letting go of my awe by the comment.

"Where are we headed?" I ask.

"To a restaurant near here, its Chinese. Kristina said you love Chinese food?" He asks to which I nod, he'd done some digging huh?

"You?" I ask as we walk to the car. 

"Same, I'm a foodie though, so I mostly like everything as long as it takes good. That's why I chose this restaurant. Apart from being close to your school, it's not a franchise. It's an authentic Chinese restaurant," He says as we walk towards a Rolls Royce Black Badge Cullihan. I pause for a second, didn't this car just come out like a few months back? Wait, just how rich was Shang Ye?!

He opens the door for me and I step in, after which he shuts the door and walks over to the driver side and gets in. 

"Isn't this an extremely new car?" I ask.

"It is?" He asks.

I turn to look at him wondering if he was joking but he genuinely looked ignorant of that fact.

"Wait, you don't know?" I ask in mild shock.

"I am always super busy so I don't pay attention to the details," he says.

"Wait, surely when you got the car you were told that, I mean the price didn't give it out?" I ask.

"Oh, my assistant normally deals with things like that. So I truly don't know," he says.

"Wow, you must either be really rich or your assistant ripped you of a couple of millions," I say.

He smiles,"So how did your day go?" He asks. 

We spend the rest of the time talking about light topics of how my day went when the car finally drives into the parking lot of the restaurant. 

"I'll get you," He says and gets down while i wait for him to get my door. He gets the door and I get down, walking with him into the restaurant.

As we step in I hear someone call out "Over here!"

Looking over I see Kristina seated with a couple of unfamiliar face at a table at a far corner of the restaurant.

"They invited themselves and I couldn't get rid of them," Shang Ye offers in explanation.

Smiling I walk over with him.

"Oh look who honored us with their presence, if it isn't the bride and groom themselves!" A handsome guy in white shirt and blue jeans states as we get to the table. 

He is met with a smack against his head by summerheat whom I recognized from her instagram who replies, "What bride and groom, they are obviously just engaged okay?"

"Ah, engaged, engaged, I forgot," the guy in white replies rubbing his head.

"Wait, y'all go engaged? When?" Another guy in a black sweatshirt asks.

Everyone bursts into laughter as if in on the joke and i can't help but sneak a peak at Shang Ye. Aren't they going a little too far?

"Okay that's enough, look at how she is looking at Shang Ye! I'm worried Shang Ye will put us all in jail for bothering his woman." Sellingfish whom I also recognized from her instagram pictures replies. 

"True true lets all quiet down, quiet down, order in the court," 

"Hi there littleHannah, it's wonderful to finally meet you, I'm drinkingwine, also known as Jasper," The guy in a white shirt says.

"Dude, you're not also known as, it's what your mother named you," the guy in a black sweatshirt says.

"Same difference," Drinkingwine says and says," Oh Yah, his mom named him Justin," To which we all chuckle. Everyone goes around introducing themselves though I knew all of them by their e=instagram pics, except Shang Ye, Drinkingwine and Dancinglove who didn't have their pics up.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Hannah," I reply.

To which Jasper smirks and says" We know, Shang Ye's Hannah!" 


Lol so I've been busy with school but i didn't forget you all. School gets done this week(finals-urgh) so I hope to be done with this book soon lol. So,  I can move on to my next and try getting done with that this summer.

How have you all been?

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