Prologue - A stormy night

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"Oh Heaven!
I desire to know you deeply and love you"- Shang Ye

Song - Shang Ye


"I'm too tired to speak, send me a message on wattpad," I say to my roommate Kristina who was happily chapping away about how her wattpad book now had over a million reads.

I smile to myself. It seems like just yesterday when I was writing on wattpad and she'd look down on me saying I needed to use my free time more productively. All that changed though when she finally got on wattpad and read Fire of the heart. Since then her life has not been the same.

"Okay okay, let me go log in," she says and hangs up.

Smiling I turn to look outside the window.  It was quite late in the night and I was on the last bus at 11pm. The sky was dark and pouring with rain.

I'd had a long day and called my roommate to ask her to bring an umbrella to the bus station. My roommate who'd just seen she had the highest votes in the competition to write a book with the Five biggest wattpad authors was ecstatic. Too ecstatic to apparently come help me out by bringing an umbrella.

There was a competition put out by wattpad two months ago for their official 20 years anniversary. The competition entailed readers voting for their favorite author to write a book that'd be made into a screenplay . To no one's surprise, Shang Ye, Sellingfish, Drinking wine, Dancinglove and Summerheat all got chosen to represent wattpad. Another competition was then put out by Shang Ye saying he wanted two more people to join and lend a hand. Like Kristina, I'd hurriedly applied but no one had paid attention to my works and so unsurprisingly I was nowhere close to wining. Kristina who had campaigned like her life depended on it actually got enough votes to have a chance at winning at least that's what we both believed at that moment...

While happy for Kristina I was sad I wouldn't be getting the chance to write with my bias and so I didn't really want to talk. Somehow this weather seemed to make it worse as I listened to Kristina chat away happily and look out the window of the bus. 

The sound of a notification pops in. I look down at my phone. 

"Omg it's been a while since I read this, I can't believe they've not yet kissed,"- Comment left by BeautifulKristi.

I break out into a smile, I can't believe you even really read this. Ever since I started writing on wattpad I had never achieved success and only continued because I loved writing. My books were considered more traditional with little to no smut. The most my current leads had done was hold hands and that fact baffled Kristina.

My phone buzzes and I look down, a second notification from wattpad. Clicking on it leads me to my book and Kristina's second comment,

"This is why you're not getting reads, tell me why do you like writing such bland stories?" 

I laugh to myself. 

"My definition of bland and your definition of bland are different," I type back with a smile on my face.

Kristina's definition of bland would be two characters who have only kissed after minutes of meeting each other. I chuckle, to her "Sparks should be flying by the first chapter," Which is why her favorite author on wattpad was Drinkingwine the handsome smut filled author of another

In the wattpad world five writers were the absolutely biggest with millions of fans. Shang Ye , Sellingfish, Drinkingwine, Dancinglove and Summerheat. We called them the holy five.

Sellingfish wrote books that made you laugh while Drinkingwine wrote books that...well you should know from all I have said so far...Dancinglove wrote books that made you think, Summerheat wrote books that calmed you, while Shang Ye wrote books that with just a stroke of his pen could overturn the world.

 "More precisely, it should be your view of the world and my view of the world are different," I type back in reply.

"Let me ask you an honest question Hannah. If a boy you liked asked you out, on what date would you agree to hold his hand?"

I chuckle as I think of this. 

Finally I type back to humor her. "Fifth? Is that too soon?"

"Too soon?! Friend sometimes I wonder what dimension you're from! What did the boy do to deserve having to wait five dates to hold your hands, is your hand made of gold?" -Beautifulkristi

I burst out in laughter. The sadness I had felt just a moment ago suddenly vanished and I was in  a much better mood.

"At least I'm letting him hold hands on the fifth date, maybe I should have waited till they met the fiftieth time to have them touch hands?" I type back in reference to my characters.

"Hannah, on behalf of all your readers....I hate you," She types back to which I chuckle.

"What did we ever do to deserve this suffering? All we asked for is a good story but what you're dishing is torture," 

I laugh heartily ready to type back a reply when I notice something that makes me pause.

"Actually I think kissing at the first date is a little too much,"

It was my first comment. I mean the first comment that was from someone other than Kristina. Moreover, it was a comment by a person that the instant both males and females read his lines, they'd find their hearts beating and lose their minds.

It was a comment by a person I knew all too well, how couldn't I when I was a huge fan of his?!

Shang Ye.

The number one writer on wattpad and the rave amongst script and lyric writers... I was completely dumbstruck. Surely I am not seeing things? Surely this is a fake account?

I quickly click on the name.

It leads me straight to his official page. I look at the verification mark on his page in awe. It really was him.

It really was him?! I jump up, the movement of the bus taking a turn sending me back tumbling on my sit.

"Miss are you okay?" I hear the bus driver ask.

Am I?

The most sort for writer in the film and music industry, who shot to fame four years ago after writing Fire of the heart on wattpad. But yet no one had seen his face.

Each year, celebrities, movie actors, directors and big corporations scramble to have him write for them knowing that whatever he writes turns to Gold. Yet he only wrote for three works total in a year.

The past two years it'd become even more scarce to see him releasing any work on wattpad. Yet here he was not just on wattpad but on my page, in my comments!

I look at the page again. It really was him. I was at a loss as to why such a great master in the writing world who'd now broken records and made cooperations go crazy was suddenly on my page. No, I shake my head, to be precise he was not just on my page, he'd read my book and left a comment!

Another notification comes in. I quickly click on it.

"While some may argue that a kiss at the first date shows chemistry, letting your reader have a kiss just to fulfill their desires and not because the story needs it is a little contrived won't you say?"

Surely he'd accidentally read this conversation and conveniently joined in without being invited? But then again who'd complain if the person that interrupted a conversation they were having was Shang Ye?!  And it seemed, it seemed he did not care that my book had just a meagre 1000 reads.

But by unlucky coincidence, my battery dies at that exact moment and I can't reply.


Fun fact: Shang Ye is a Chinese *hint hint* word gotten from the ancient poem, 上邪 "Shang Ye" or "Oh Heaven"

By Heaven! (上邪), also known as Shang Ye!, Oh Heaven!, and Oh God!, is a kind of folk poetry, from the Han Dynasty. Even though this poem was collected in the Han Dynasty, it was probably created in an older period and the author is unknown.

By Heaven! is a poem/love song praying for eternal love, a song about a girl who will stay faithful to the love in her heart. 

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