4. Advice

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"Wow, I'm sorry. I should really learn to knock. In case there's a threesome going on in the bathroom," - Seth The O.C

Song: Big Fish - Zhou Shen


"I had a client sent to prison today,"

It was from Shang Ye. Shang Ye is a lawyer?! My reverence of him suddenly shoots up.

I quickly click on the message and unlock my phone not wanting to keep him waiting like the last time when my battery died.

Shang Ye and I hadn't spoken since the day he told me he was going to work and I assumed we'd never speak again yet here was Shang Ye once more in my DM.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I type back.

"I was so sure he was not going to be sent to prison. It was a case I had done numerous times, but like most cases nothing is guaranteed,"

I nod sadly. 

"My point is this. Even veterans in the business lose their cases. I gave my best, could I have done better? Yes, now I know I could have done better but at the time that was my best because it was all I knew then. After the case I looked back at it, reviewed countless documents numerous times and finally saw what I could have done better and differently to yield a better result. I saw a path for the next hearing date on how I will do better. Does that guarantee my next case will lead to a victory? No, but at least I will have done better than my previous best and leave knowing I did better and my best at the time. Do you get my point?" He says.

I did. I wasn't sure who told Shang Ye about my exam but I had my suspicions....my eyes drift to the suspect Kristina, who quickly looks away from me like she'd been caught in the act.

Shang Ye was indirectly telling me that I studied and gave my best at the moment. I could have done better but at the time it was my best. Instead of feeling down and depressed and falling further into the rabbit hole of depression and sadness. I should invest that time into studying ahead for future exams and looking at what was done wrong or could have been done better in the last exam to better my self for giving my best in the next exam.

My lips turn up as I break into a smile.

"Thank you," I reply feeling much better. He was right, instead of kicking myself down and continuously sucking my wound, what I needed was to clean it up, wrap it up and keep moving. I quickly get off my bed and pick up my Genetics textbook and take a picture of it uploading it to instagram with the caption; Determined to do better.

A few seconds after posting my phone beeps and dies.

"Seriously?" I say shaking my head as I search for Kristina's charger. I lost mine two days back and had been using Kristina's to charge my hone.

"What are you looking for?" Kristina says raising her head to look at me.

"Your charger," I reply.

"I left it at Zee's apartment and was going to get it tomorrow. Why, is your battery low?" She asks.

"More like dead," I say and sigh.

She chuckles.

I look at her confused.

"What's funny?"

"Everyone knows you're addicted to everything that has a screen, how will you survive without your phone?" She asks.

She was right, I was addicted to my phone, TV,  my laptop and tablet, basically everything with a screen but somehow I always had badluck with screens and broke them.

"I have a laptop. I'll survive," I say returning to my side of the room. I stop in front of my bed. My alarm, I needed my phones alarm to wake me up. Kristina's phone alarm was useless on me. The sound of her alarm was sleep inducing. Instead of waking me up it made me sleep more.

I open my laptop and look at the time, 9:00PM. The bus will arrive in fifteen minutes.

"Do you need something? I'm headed to Walmart," I say to which Kristina bursts out in laughter.

"I told you you couldn't do it!" She says to which I ignore her and put on my socks after which I wear my boots and pick my bag.

"Buy me some pringles," She says as I head out.

I walk fast to the bus stop not wanting to miss it. Luckily I arrive at the exact second the driver is about to drive off. Smiling, he opens the door and lets me on. 

Once I arrive at Walmart, I walk over to the electronic side to pick up a charger but all of them are too expensive ranging from ten to twenty dollars. I finally find one for five dollars and reach for it but a hand grabs it before me. I look up tot he sight of a handsome Asian man who was taller than me and clothed in a black suit, looking dapper, a little too dapper for a five dollar charger. Surely he can afford to buy the ten dollar one and leave this for us poor students?

He looks at me, seemingly realizing I was also going for the charger.

Smiling he places his hand out with the charger.

"It's okay you can have it," I say.

He doesn't budge, his hand still out.

I look at him conflicted. Though I had just been wondering why he wouldn't buy the expensive charger and instead bought this cheap one ridding me of the chance to get it,  now that he was giving it to me I felt bad and reluctant to accept it.  I was slightly ashamed at how I had thought that way now faced with his kindness but... I really need this charger.

"Are you sure you don't need it?" I ask to which he nods.

Well if he doesn't really need it...I quickly collect it.

"Thank you," I say to which he grins and walks away. I look on at his retreating back. What a nice guy. If only guys were all this nice and handsome. Shaking my head I walk away toward the aisle with Pringles picking up an original for Kristina and sour cream and onion for myself. After which I head to the counter to check it out.


Once I return to my dorm room, I drop the Pringles on Kristina's desk who was currently missing from the room. Wondering where she'd gone, I take out the charger to plug my phone and message her while it's charging. Once I plug my phone I turn it on, sitting down at the desk next to the socket.

As the screen lights up, and it goes through the welcome screen stopping at the main screen I am immediately bombarded with nonstop notifications from instagram. Confused as to what was going on and who was spamming me, I unlock my phone and click on one of the notifications which leads to the picture of the genetics textbook I uploaded.

The first comment with over 12 thousand likes was by Shang Ye.

"I'm cheering for you," 

Followed by...

Sellingfish -"Gasp! Slowly walks out of room and quietly shuts the door,"

Summerheat - "OMG! Slowly walks out of room and quietly shuts the door,"

Dancinglove - "Slowly walks out of room and quietly shuts the door,"

Drinkingwine - "I saw it too but I'll just Slowly walk out of the room and quietly shut the door,"

and that traitor Kristina...

BeautifulKristi - "I'm curious but...lips sealed as I slowly walk out of room and quietly shuts the door,"

Phoenixfeathers - "Not sure if I should be cheering or quietly walking out of the room...Slowly walks out of room and quietly shuts the door,"


Author -" Oh! Slowly walks out of room and quietly shuts the door,"

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