B2: Chapter 33 - Self-Made - V

Comenzar desde el principio

  "No way are you driving back tonight," said Lani. "You can fly out to London tomorrow. Cinza set aside a bed for you already, so just take it."

  "Can't fly out to London," Jeremy grumbled. "Fuckin' Aderholt no-fly'd me."

  "Of course he did," said Lani, rolling his eyes. "I'm really glad I'm not working under him right now."

  "Wait..." Jeremy fell back into his chair, staring at Lani like he'd just seen him for the first time. "Lani, you could go."


  "Shit, you're even awakened now. You've got the cred, you've got magic, and you ain't grounded." Jeremy nodded emphatically. "You should go to London."

  "I..." Lani glanced at Riley.

  She shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Don't you decide based on me. I'll be here either way. I'm still figuring this whole place out."

  "After three damn weeks?" Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "It could be three damn years before I really feel like I understand magic," she shot back, not missing a beat. Jeremy grinned. You and me both, sister.

  "What would I even do when I got there?" Lani asked, turning back to Jeremy.

  "I'll call her every ten minutes if I have to," said Jeremy. "I'll make sure she knows you're comin', and even if she doesn't, you've got authority now. Hailey crossed state lines and national borders. Everything 'til now was stuck in Washington, so things got tied up between state and federal, remember?"

  "No kidding."

  "Now you're goin' to London as the official representative of the Bureau's Thaumaturgical Division, commissioned by the Senate Judiciary Committee."

  Lani raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Is that even a real thing?"

  "Mostly." Jeremy shrugged. "Paperwork's in place and the Bureau's ready to go. Maddie's still workin' on bribin' the right senators to back her up. Doesn't matter either way. The U.K. already sent a request for assistance from our branch a few hours ago. Didn't you get the alert?"

  "Yeah." Lani glanced at his phone, sitting on the table next to the fire. The charging cable trailing away looked bizarrely out of place in this structure so clearly built without a single human tool.

  "So by the time it matters, you'll have the title, and you've got your ass covered up til then." Jeremy grinned. "There's no way they'll pass up having the first awakened agent for the new shit. You've already got it in the bag."

  Lani nodded. "It'll be good to get back into the field."

  "So what are you waitin' for?" Jeremy plucked his keys out of his jacket pocket and tossed them to Lani. He missed the catch with his hands, but still grabbed them from mid-air before they hit the floor. The keys floated right back into his hands again. "Take my car and get goin'. If you move it, you could probably still land in London tomorrow."

  "Right now?" asked Riley.

  "Yeah," said Lani. "There's really no time to waste with something like this."

  Jeremy nodded. "Hailey's in way over her head and dealin' with a shit-ton of grief. She's also one of the most powerful people in the whole fuckin' world. That's not a fun combination."

  Lani leaned in and kissed Riley, to Jeremy's surprise. Well, that confidence problem is long-gone. Good for Lani. He got up again, a bit steadier than the last time now that he was expecting it, and walked Lani out to the edge of the clearing. As they reached the end, Makoto was waiting for them.

  "Mr. Ashe, Mr. Makaio." He nodded at them both.

  "Hi, Makoto. I need to get back into town." Lani held up the keys. "Flying to London tonight, apparently." Makoto nodded. Lani turned to Jeremy. "Send me everything you have about Hailey for the flight over. I need to know what I'm going into."

  "You got it." Jeremy paused. He glanced over his shoulder at Lani's cabin, where the fire was still glowing faint behind the outline of Riley, watching them from afar. "Riley, huh?"

  Lani smiled. "A perfect storm of coincidence. Your worst nightmare."

  Jeremy grinned, and hugged his partner again. "Get out of here, man. Call me as soon as you land."

  "You got it."

  Lani disappeared into the forest with Makoto. Jeremy watched until he couldn't see them anymore. He trudged back through the snow to Lani's little cabin and began compiling everything he had. Every note he'd taken, every memory about Hailey he had. He didn't want to betray Hailey's trust, but somebody had to do something, and he couldn't be there to do it.

  Riley brought him a cup of tea while he worked, sitting next to the fire with a laptop Cinza provided. Jeremy trusted Lani with his own life a dozen times over; he could trust the man with Hailey's life, too. Besides, Lani would do a lot better dealing with the British than Jeremy ever could. It almost felt like fate, in a way.

  Fuck that. Jeremy didn't believe in fate. It was all a string of coincidence—stupid fuckin' coincidence that keeps puttin' me in boilin' water again and again.

  Maybe I need a new job.

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