B2: Chapter 31 - Across the Pond - III

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  His wife filled in the rest. "Is she all right?"

  Hailey nodded. "I just saw her yesterday. She seemed fine." The memory brought back Hailey's sense of purpose. She wasn't here to give Kendra's parents an update on their estranged daughters—she was here to find a murderer. "I need to find Malton."

  "Why?" asked Mary, without a moment's hesitation.

  "Because men he hired are responsible for everything that happened last week."

  Thomas frowned. "Can you prove that?"

  "I don't have to," said Hailey. "I just need to find him."

  "And do what?" asked Mary. "You're talking about one of the most powerful men in the world, and someone who brings a substantial amount of money into the country."

  "I wish nothing but plagues upon the man," said Thomas, "but legally my hands are tied. He's broken no laws."

  "He murdered my best friend!" Hailey snapped. Her blood was boiling again. Why can't they just give me what I want? She didn't care if Malton was legally in the right. Nobody could possibly think he was innocent. She'd drag him into the center of London and show everyone what he'd done.

  Mary's eyes softened, showing the first real emotion Hailey had seen. "...I'm so sorry, dear."

  "If I could help you, I would," said Thomas. "I don't have any power over him. Even economically, I'm ashamed to admit I'm flummoxed. Cornelius has had me at every turn."

  "Just tell me where I can find him," Hailey said. "I don't need you to do anything else."

  "I have no idea," said Thomas simply.

  "So use your people. Do something."

  "I have been, as a matter of fact. My chief of security had the man followed for a month now, trying to determine how he's getting inside information from my company. Cornelius vanished without a trace seven days ago, and Bastian hasn't been able to locate him since."

  "...The same day as the Battle of Lakewood," said Mary thoughtfully.

  Thomas glanced at her. "Indeed. I hadn't made that connection."

  Hailey couldn't stand still. She started pacing around the bottom floor of the mansion, while the Laushires looked on from above curiously. She needed to be doing something. She even started levitating objects at random, while the curtains swayed from her wings brushing them as she walked by.

  "Astounding..." murmured Mary. Hailey snapped around to look at her, startling the older woman. "I'm sorry, Miss Winscombe. I did not mean to offend."

  "You didn't," said Hailey. "I'm just..." She trailed off, not sure what to say. She knew they were right, though she couldn't bring herself to voice it. Even if she found Malton, what was she really going to do with him? She had no proof. All they had was the guy Jeremy and Stebbins had caught, and she doubted they could link him to Malton in any way.

  "You are in mourning," said Thomas, nodding slightly.

  No, I'm in anger. "I need him to pay," she snapped.

  "I'm doing the best I can." He sighed audibly. "I've been working with a new partner from the colonies. Someone from your neck of the woods, in fact. He's quite the sharp mind, whomever he is, but we're only moving so fast. Malton will catch on sooner or later, and we'll be in another arms race to the top."

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now