An old...'Friend'

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3rd person pov

in the middle of duckburg,there was a huge skyscraper. on the outside it had a huge symbol of the world,but the way it was shape looked more like an eye? 

anyway,it seemed like a happy and friendly place,but on the inside...the inside held a dark secret. on the inside,there were inventions and scientists,testing out things. 

there were also rooms..lots of rooms but they all held the same sign, 'do not enter.' it was like that on every floor,but at the very top of the skyscraper it was even mysterious.

 there was room with huge heavy doors. once inside, it felt cold,but the room was huge. it was dark,but there was a few candles that were inflamed so it dimly lit the room. 

 around it,anyone could see that there were wooden posts keeping up the ceiling that were scattered through the room. the windows were stained red, but on the outside they just looked black. 

 the floor held a blood red carpet that seemed to only trail towards the other side of the room. at the other side,there were a few steps up,on top was a chair,or more like a throne. 

besides the throne were lamps,but they were extinguished. the only signs of ife in the room,seem to be the guards that were beside the door. 

their arms were crossed as they had on large coolie hat's that were hiding their eyes. long gray scarves concealed their mouth. their eyes glowed red as they were standing there.  

suddenly,there was a loud bang. the door opened up,and in stepped a large bulky man. he had long blond hair that was tied back into a low ponytail. his dark brown eyes seemed to hold anger and fury,but once he stepped into the room,they turned solem and full of respect. 

on his face there was a couple of scars and scratches. he was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves cut off showing his bulky arms. another man was also in the room, he looked like a gang member or just some street punk. anyone would think that with the blue mohawk he had,jeez this isn't the 1980's.

the huge bulky man was holding him above the ground with one hand clutching the rim of his shirt. the punk was trying to get away as the huge bulky man was dragging him towards the throne. the bulky man stopped in the middle of the room,bowed and said, "master, i humbly apologize for this intrusion on your highly expensive time,but this street punk has failed his mission on robbing the bank."

he threw the street punk to the floor,he landed with a painful grunt on his face. all of a sudden,the throne turned around. there,in the chair,was a person. 

they stood up and walked into the light, that was closer to the two other men. it revealed to be the man who murdered your family all those years ago.

 he was wearing his gold mask with gems trailing on it. his right eye was still showing his sky blue eye. he was wearing a black short like robe but it was tucked into his black pants. his belt was silver,but seems to hold very,very sharp but see through knives. he even had a gauntlet that had long sharp knives on the end of it. his black cape was trailing behind him.

 on his head,you could still see his mop of white hair,but in the back of his head. was the symbol he wore with pride,the flower that looked like fire.

 his eyes stared down at the punk,seeming to have no emotion at all. the punk began to shake from fear. he spoke in a fearful tone, "m-master! i'm sorry! it wasn't my fault! there-there was this freak! they-they beat me and my men up and took off with the money! it wasn't my fault!"

 the man just stared down at him,before his gruff dark voice said, "how did they look,and how many were there?" "th-they were we-wearing a bl-black cl-cloak and there," the punk stuttered.

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