Treasure of the Found Lamp!

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3rd person pov

You were sitting in your warm comfy bed reading your favorite book. You smiled as it your favorite part was about to begin. 

That was until you heard huey yell "uncle scrooge someone's here to see you!" You groaned loudly not wanting to move from your bed. 

So you wrapped yourself in the blankets like a burrito.

The next morning

You sat on the couch between webby and huey. You had your arms folded with an un-amused look on your face as everyone else had a nervous expressions.

 There was an awkward silence until huey spoke up asking "uh, mr.dijin, can i get you something? A pep?"

Dijin stands up and say "i am in no mood for pep. I only seek the lamp of the first genie." he unscrolls a scroll that was sitting on the coffee table. it revealed a picture of the lamp. he continues saying "A sacred relic of untold value that the last of my line has sworn to protect for all time. Today,on the eve of ifrits dawn, my quest must come to a successful conclusion. Or the consequences may be dire."

 He leaned over making everyone gasp but you. Huey asked nervously "how about a diet pep?"You nudged him and shook your head.

 It was quiet for a few minutes until you heard scrooge shout "what do ya mean yard sale?!" You groan and facepalm already knowing louie messed up. 

Huey nervously grabs the remote and asks dijin "have you seen last week's ottoman empire episode?"

Dijin stands up and says "the Ottoman Empire? You refer of those dread invaders that tried to destroy my ancestors for the lamp? They failed. Miserably."

He then slices the lamp next to the couch. You mumbled looking at it "well,there goes the deposit on that lamp."

Webby smiles widely as huey had a scared expression. She says "i like everything about you." Scrooge walks in nervously. 

He looks at dijin and says "see,funny thing,about the lamp. It seems i must have misplaced it." Dijin takes out his sword and scrooge gasps.

Dijin asks "you misplaced the lamp of the first genie?! I shall raise this home."

He then starts breaking everything yelling "strip it to the rafters,brick by brick! And i will not leave! I will not stop until i find it!"

 Louie walked in and says "did he say misplaced? Uncle scrooge meant to say stolen!" scrooge agrees saying "Yes the lamp was stolen by a powerful figure."

Webby gasps and guesses "oooh,ah,uh,uh,ohh! A powerful figure! Ooh,like a wicked sorcerer! Or,a powerful god! Like a sumerian god! Or, maybe greek?!" 

scrooge nods and say "yes webby a greek god!" Webby gasps and asks "do you think it's on ithiquack?!" louie replied "yup! sure is! way out on ithiquack! oh,so dijin,looks like you must be going-" 

 dijin cut him off by grabbing scrooge's arm.scrooge yelps as djinn yells "stolen?! then we must go to ithiquack and reclaim the lamp!" scrooge smiles and agrees saying "yes!" but he soon realizes what dijin said.

 scrooge stuttered "w-w-we?" 

you all were now outside by the plane

dijin says "scrooge mcduck,finder of the lamp, i swear allegiance to the courage in your veins. united we have the power to meet justice."

 he then walked away from scrooge. scrooge put on a fake smile and said "definitely." once djinn turned away scrooge looked up to the sky and groaned.

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