the town where everyone was nice

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3rd person pov

you, scrooge, webby, donald and the triplets walk into a small town. you look in amazment as you see a giant flower. you then say "the legendary doser occidenium a very rare flower. it's so cool."

webby says excitingly "i know right!" louie then says "never heard of it." webby says "neither have we!" louie eyes widened a bit and he stared at you confused. you then continue "a cultural traditon we know nothing about."

webby says "do you know how rare that is?" you then says "imagine! all the secrets unlocked to this secret tradition!" webby nods agreeing then she sqeals as you both walk away.

dewey then grabs your hand and drags you over to the statue. he then takes a picture with both of you smiling. webby asks "what are you doing?"

dewey replied "documenting my adventures. the people will want to feel like they're here with me."

you ask "you have a blog? since when?"

he replies, secretly taking another picture of you, "since this morning." he then starts to mess with one of his pictures.

webby crosses her arms and says "it looks fine." dewey says "but now,it's sepis,eh,ehh?" he laughs and continues to play around with the picture. you then laugh a little and say "yeah,i'm just gonna got over there and, uh, help huey!"

you then shuffle away from them and towards huey. you look at Donald who says "oh,boy! i can't wait to see my pals!" you then ask confused "you have friends?" huey asks "why haven't we heard of them? and why did you all stop speaking?"

you then ask "did something happen that split you guys up?" louie groans and says "please you two,not everything's a dark family secret." Donald than says "kids,i have another dark family secret." you mumble "i hope this one's easy to crack."

donald takes a deep breath then says "I,"  you all urge him on saying "yeah?" he then says "was one of the 4 cabelleros." as everyone says "good for you. the three caba waba's. i don't know what that is."

you then smile widely saying "uncle Donald,you were part of the 4 cabelleros?! how come you never told me?!" Donald asks "you've,hear of us?"

you reply excitingly "of course! pop's used to have bruce and me listen to it all the time and you guys eventually became my inspiration! he never told me about you being in it though!"

Donald smiles proudly saying "well, i'm glad i inspire you y/n. Did he also mention he was in it?" Your jaw dropped and you yelled "really?! Donald nodded and said "he was the drummer!"

He reached into his fanny pack and took out a photo and drum sticks. He handed you the items and you looked to see a your dad as a teenager. He was playing some drums with a huge smile plastered on his face.

You said in awe "whoa!" Donald said "these were his drum sticks." You looked at them to see they had his initals on them. You handed the photo back to donald but kept the drumsticks.

louie then says "yeah,sorry to intrupt but we still don't know what this 'band' is."

scrooge explains "the four cabelleros. donald's and y/n's father's old college band. they practiced their polyphonic pandemonium in my garage for hours. and the next time you complain about bagpipes,just imagine trying to sleep while your uncle is sawing away at an accordian."

huey and louie give each other worried glances while you start to jump up and down saying "i can't belive i'm going to meet them!" Donald smiles at you then puts on sunscreen saying "it was so awesome."

scrooge says "ack! your fine as it is. A family man! A boat owner! Your impressive as it is." you look up and smile widely as you say "cool!" one of donald friends jump out of a plane.

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