The Ballad Of Duke Baloney

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3rd person pov

you and louie were fishing together. well,more like you were fishing and louie was acting like the queen of england. you sighed as you threw a spear into the water. you said "ah,fishing. the noble struggle of man versus nature."

louie said leaning against his pillow "the you gently rowing me around while i nap for several hours." you looked at him with your eyebrow cocked. he said smiling sheepishly "um,maybe i won't take that nap."

you rolled your eyes and took the fish out of the water. you smirked and said "lou,heads up!", then threw the fish at him. he yelled "ew! can't you just use these?" he gestured to the fishing poles. you shrugged and said "sure, but we'll probably need some-"

just then in the distance you heard someone yell "bait! get your bait here!" you smiled and you and louie hopped out of the boat racing down the docks. you two reached the small stand and louie gasped as you both yell "gomgold!"

he looks at you two and put his knife down. he smiled saying "hello,children. bait for sale. buy seven tentacles,eighth is free. buckets of savings." he then held up a bucket full of chum. you looked at louie with a confused look.

you ask "um,glomgold, are you okay? what's with the south african accent? why is your posture so good? what's on your face? did you finally lose your mind and go nuts?" glomgold looked at you and said "just a bushy beard forged from the life of the sea."

you nodded as a fish flopped out from his beard. louie looks at glomgold and asks "whats your angle glomgold?" just then a man and woman came over.

the woman asked "you kids disrespecting our new employee? because bait n such is a bully free zone." glomgold held out his hand saying "i was just introducing myself. the names duke baloney. like the humble sandwich meat."

you say smiling and a little confused "um, nice to meet you, mr.baloney?" louie says "more like mr.full of baloney." you grab Louie's arm and say "um,excuse us for one second mr.baloney. come on lou." he follows then yells "full of baloney!"

you sigh and drag him a bit away. he says "you know, it's an expression for-"

you interrupt saying "yeah,i know the expression. there's something wrong with glomgold. i mean he goes missing for months which i have to say was very peaceful, and then shows up a whole new person. i think he's dealing with some sort of amnesia like i did. we have to help him."

he said "y/n, faking amnesia is like conman 101. this is obviously some kind of setup to trap us and destroy uncle scrooge. once a bad guys,always a bad guy." you sigh and say
"maybe he's finally turning good."

louie groans and says "y/n, that is glomgold!" you ask "how can you be so sure?" just then you both look at glomgold to see him yelling at a..rope? he yelled "curse you rope!" you nod your head saying "nevermind,it's him."

time skip

you,louie and glomgold were inside a pub or something like that. you three sat at the table and glomgold brought a bucket full of chum. he stuck his hand  in it. he brought his hand out and his fingers were broken. he then cracked each one into place.

you just stared and patted louie's back as he gagged every time you heard a crack. duke then says "sorry for yelling. never acted like that before. not that i know of." you and louie glanced at each other.

man came and said "this guys! found him in the bay with no memories at all. just his determination and a freakishly high tolerance for pain." fisher says "it was like he was made for livin a hard rock life on the open water."

glomgold stood up saying "all i need to know is that i came from the sea, and i'll die by it." you then say "wow,that's deep." louie looks at you and you just shrug.

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